Trolls, Trolls everywhere…
This is not me restarting any badness on my blog, this is just a response to the last lot of comments I received.
Ok this is going to be another response to all those nice peeps who like to leave me comments.
“Anonymous said...
yawn yawn “
if you are that bored then bugger off!
“Anonymous said...
oh almost forgot jay....but why are you calling your company black cat press (c) when that is already a registered company name in sacramento amongst other places? you do know that your (c) is meaningless don't you? “
I choose to copyright my Black Cat Press as it means something to me. It represents my comic book publishing empire.
“Martin Hargreaves said...
I want you and your beautiful (uuuugh) wife to die. Thankfully the general rules of obesity are going to serve my needs. “
You really are a vile stupid little thug.
Threatening my wife and I was the last thing you should have done.
Interesting point on the obesity thing, considering that Candy and I are not obese you idiot.
Well at least we can lose a bit of weight, you will always be a mindless northern inbred twat, who is a lot older than I, who will in fact die well in advance than myself. Have a nice life Martin, what’s left of it anyway.
“Martin said...
To Anonymous of 19/8. I thought on the the same lines so have emailed blackcat in the US a couple of weeks ago. Email
reply suggests their attorney is on to this. Lets hope he gets his final come uppance
!!!! “
don’t make me laugh you idiot, what the hell can a American attorney do to me?, I've committed no crime.
You really are a sad pathetic little troll!
“Martin said...
No hate campaign was ever started. Just responses to the name calling, sarcastic comments, and vicious lies that have been stated on this site about my family.
I would welcome an end to this so I never have to hear from either of you again. If you continue to write things about us then we will continue to respond. It stops when you stop. “
You and your family started this hate campaign on my journal.
I am only responding to the vile comments and lies that the both of you have written here on my Blog.
You started this trouble when you started to make nasty comments towards my wife and I, when you lied about stuff, and when you slagged off my late parents.
“Anonymous said...
couldn't agree more martin, i'm starting to think jayson is getting off on the upset he's causing, and since no one bothered to comment on his "about bloody time" post he set out in the next one to stir things up again, don't give him the satisfaction.he's really not worth it! “
I don’t really know who you are, and I don’t really care, but if you read my journal entries and all the comments that have been left you will understand that the post after “about bloody time” was a response to the nasty comments that was left by Martin and others.
I do not “get off” on this conflict on my journal. In fact I wish that Martin, Melanie and any other trolls out there to piss off and not comment on my Blog. But it is them who like to see conflict.
“Anonymous said...
Jason,you dont't know me, just happened to come across your site as i collect comics.I felt that i had to leave a comment though.I was quite taken aback at all this tickle tackle. Your site started off very interestingly until you started to piss people off with nasty personal comments. Your site is marred and has become quite a slanging match, which i feel should have been kept at a personal level. Yes you have a right to say what you like diplomatically and not in a vindictive way. Who are you going to turn to now your family have disowned you and you have no friends left? Candy maybe there for you, God forbid if she wern't there anymore. You will be a sad lonely man. You dont' seem sorted, very troubled. Wishing you well. “
Thank you for your response, but there are only a few things that you have gotten wrong.
I did not start to piss off anybody on here. My little comment about my sister -
"I still have alot of anger centered towards my sister,
Melanie for how she treated me and my Mum.
I really don't care if I ever see her again."
Was a very personal thought and meant no slagging off to anybody, the trouble’s between my sister and I have stemmed from a very early age.
The people who started to leave comments on here and there were only a few people – my sister, my nephew, and my brother in law.
I wanted to keep this on a personal level, but it was my former family who wanted to cause trouble by posting vile and nasty comments about myself, my wife and my late parents.
It is in fact I who have disowned my family, the only people I have ever cared about family wise was my late parents, my late uncle, and possibly a few relatives I might still have in Singapore.
And who said I have no friends? Yes I have lost contact with a few since I left Milton Keynes to move up to Easingwold, but the friends I still have will always be there for me as I will always will be there for them.
And I really am sorted, the only troubles I have left now is toothache. And it hurts like hell.
“Martin said...
Yawn, Yawn Yawn. You are determined not the let this saga come to an end. You just cannot resist
having more digs and doing more stirring. “
Says the man who threatened my family!
“Believe what you wish but those earlier entries were written by who they said they were. As I stated before I would gladly see an end to this war of words but you just seem to want to drag it on and on, looking at your last entry. What sort of incitement do you up to achieve with comments such as
"Trolls" happen all the time on blogs, people who only wish to cause trouble are always looking for their next plaything. That is no problem, they can be evaded and dealt with.
Now immagine that those "trolls", know personal information about you and will spread it willingly across the web. Imagine if you will, more importantly, that those "trolls", "want you and your beautiful(uuuugh)wife to die".
Now imagine if those same "trolls" know where you live...
Scary isn't it? Try living it..."
So you still don’t deny the fact that you threatened my wife and I to die? I wonder if the police would be interested in this.
“This has escalated from comments by your husband that upset his sister.”
This is in fact from a promise that I gave to my mum before she died that I would let Melanie know what a selfish and evil little bitch she really is.
“Thing have got out of hand but at least the truthful hatred has manifested itself. Why can,t you just write about something else now and stop playing ameteur detective or are you determined to have Jason all to yourself by driving a wedge between him and everyone from his past. “
When has Candy ever driven a wedge between myself and others?
“Stop writing about my family and I, or even eluding to us. Leaving out our names is pointless as anyone who has been following this blog will know who you are referring to. Stop the comments and we shall have nothing further to say. Carry on and we will continue to defend ourselves.”
Why not bugger off now and not come back Martin, just leave this website.
"This is in fact from a promise that I gave to my mum before she died that I would let Melanie know what a selfish and evil little bitch she really is" was this as she died jason? what a caring son you were to fill her last moments with hate.....or maybe you prmised it a good while which case whats taken you so long....oh yes i promised to steal money off her first yes? that must be couldn't be another bullshit lie your spouting to make excuses for yourself!
Couldn't find anywhere that martin threatened to kill you.....wishing you dead isn't the same...but did see where you admitted to drug taking, stealing from your employers and your sister, and telling the world your mum was drawing your dead fathers war pension....what a son to be proud of!
"I choose to copyright my Black Cat Press as it means something to me. It represents my comic book publishing empire" lmao thats the whole point jason! you can't copyright something that already is copyrighted! duuuurrrrr!
Do you really think your friends who read this will think more of you for what you have written on here? your not even consistant with your lies and excuses....nobody slagged off your mum and dad as you claimed and nobody had a go at candy until she slagged off liam asking a twelve year old "how would you feel when you lose a parent boy?" charming!
you keep telling martin to leave your blog alone...but why should he when you owe his wife money? if i were him i wouldn't bother replying to your lies....maybe just post "this man is a thief and liar" on every post you ever write from now until you pay mel back?
thank you, I couldn't quite see where my mum and dad had been slagged off in Jay's blog either. I really don't care about the money, I always knew I wouldn't get it back. The main thing I hate are the lies that he has spouted about the past. He set out to hurt me and yeah it worked. My memories of a mother and father I loved are marred by his crap. Even though I know IT IS crap, Jay has managed to spoil my memories. The worst of it are the remarks about my mum, the only consolation I have is in knowing that she did love me despite what he says. I also have the memories of all the good times I had with her, the laughs we shared, the sorrows - thats something he can never destroy. I'm sure he will get a deep sense of satisfaction in knowing that he's hurt me but I don't really care, if that brightens up his day then so be it. I know that whatever crap he comes out with, it is just his spin on things in some cases and in others complete fiction.
If I or any other member of my family choose to make a comment on this site because we have been referenced in this blog, then that is our perogative.
Sorry, anonymous, if Jay seems to think that you are me. Obviously it is not possible for anyone else to make negative comments regarding his views other than me.
To mel,
Fair enough, its between you two and if you can let it go then your a better preson for it. jason is already getting what he deserves...he's the one who's got to live with being what he is and thats probably why he has to lie about himself and his life...the truth must be too miserable to face.
To Anonymous, I appreciate your wise words. I have considered not responding in any way to his comments. Have you noticed how each time I don't respond then the next entry contains even more insults. They are obviously getting a huge hard on from this. what petty lives. I thought, on reading the start of his last two entries he might have left us alone, but he couldn,t resist trying to stir more shit. He must be getting tired of this, he is slowly running out of vocabulary and having to resort to "northern inbred twat". After him knocking my lack of originality.
You have been thinking on the same lines as me regarding a couple of his retorts. For example, he obviously doesnt know what the copyright symbol means and thinks I am the stupid one for contacting the original Black Cat Press. Mind you his reply to that just reinforces the fact that he thinks everything is there for his taking.
They both keep referring to me threatening to kill them and how the police would be interested. As you correctly pointed out wishing someone dead isn't a threat, it is a wish. There are exceptions of course, if Jason wished me dead then this would be a different matter as he has magical & mystical powers, so it would happen. "the great stupido".
Speaking of police interest. Jason is selective about the posts that remain here, as a few weeks ago when this all started I made a comment that could have landed him in trouble. After a couple of days the post disappeared.
As I said it is great to hear wise words from someone who is relatively objective in this debacle. I shall not be responding to his insults anymore. Hopefully he will get fed up and stop them. Your other idea about putting a comment after each of his posts is'nt a bad one though. If he does'nt stop I shall have to find a way to get redress without continuing this war of words. Something with more impact.
Heya Jay,
Is this bull still going on? dont these people have work to do or something? Im sorry but this is really pathetic, i like to read Jason's blog and its starting to bug me! Bugger off and get a life ya bunch of hatespreading nanny's!
Go cry at mommy or your shrink, "Jason this, Jay that" Typical behavior of people that lack intelligence...
Jason, good to read you are going after your dreams and good to hear things are well between you and Candy. Much fun and luck in Cornwall.
Come on MSN some time mate :).
All the best and take care,
Kevin Maree
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