To everybody who is reading my Blog
Well at last I'm getting people reading my journal!
I have just e-mailed my sister with my views and thoughts on her, in light of what people are saying and what respect I have got left for Liam, what I wrote to Melanie will stay off this Blog.
Liam, I am sorry for calling you a twat, but everything else I have said I do not regret. You really did piss me off kid.
Sarah-Jean, I never even thought it was you in the first place, certain other people we know yes, but not you.
Email me sometime and we can chat.
To the many people who have posted on my Blog under the name of Anonymous, are you coward enough not to reveal who you really are?
I have got a pretty good idea who most of you are, so why not be adult about it and reveal your names.
Am I right in saying that some of you are my former associates in GHUK? Is that you James?
If it is, wether your comments were good or bad I don't understand as I have had no contact with you in over a year.
If it is you, then it is quite sad to see you all bitter like this.
What was once a semi-good friendship has now turned into this!
Well at least you are still thinking about me when I don’t even give you a second glance, dude I’ve moved on now, get over it.
Now on to what has been said.
“Anonymous said...
I'm sure a lot of people have helped him over the years, doesn't mean you can come here and complain about his own personal thoughts. If you don't like what he reads, it's quite simple.
If you disagree about it that much why don't you two be the "bigger" person/people and ignore what he's typing rather then coming and making snarky comments at him.”
Ok…thank you, you are quite right. I was ignoring all these comments up until my nephew mentioned my late parents and certain people started getting a bit too personal.
“Anonymous said...
Yes I do have a name, and no it's not Jason or Candy.
I understand and commend you wanting to stick up for your Mum, I just don't see the point in doing it here. He's got complete freedom of speech and if, as you say, he's always slagging her off, then why bother to read it?
And really, if your Mum has a problem with this, she should say so herself rather then sending her 12 year old child to do it.
I guess I just don't understand what causing chaos on this website is going to achieve...”
It is quite funny that so far up until the last post, I had not slagged off my sister.
I agree it is out of order for Melanie to send Liam here to make comments about me, he is only a child, not a weapon to be used against me.
And as for all the chaos, I don’t know why people are doing it either.
“Anonymous said...
If jason has complete freedom to write what he likes then why do you think the people he wites about should keep their views to themselves? does that freedom not apply to them? I've read this blog and noticed jay was only too happy to except money from his sister to get his things out of storage.....maybe he should have had the guts to tell her what he thought of her before he did that, but then that sums the guy up. totally selfish and self obsessed!”
You are right, they do have freedom to write what they like, but do they have the right to attack me? Have I in fact attacked them? No I have not.
And as for the money, I was going to pay my sister back until I got my stuff back from storage but going through all the old photo's and diaries, all my old feelings that I did once have towards her, came back to me, but I’m sure you would not understand that.
Totally selfish and self obsessed? I take it that you know me then?
For starters, the only selfish thing I have ever done was to move away from all my friends and my old life for the one person I truly love, and as for being self obsessed?
Yeah right, considering I have always thought about others before myself.
“Anonymous said...
mmmmm super hero rogue with a dash of jedi eh? who would believe such a powerful man would need a crisis loan from the dss to feed himself? What would your superhero name be? how about captain bullshit? or Dr useless? obi wasteofspace?
here's a thought....why not use the old jedi mind-trick next time you go to sign on....should make things a whole lot easier for you! Lmao”
hahaha…cool idea on the superhero name’s there, Might just use them for a story if that’s all right with you.
As for the crisis loan, I needed a small amount of money to buy food as I am diabetic and the DSS screwed up the day I was going to receive my money.
And if you read that part of my blog entry you would realise I was talking about my own personal moral compass.
“Anonymous said...
Don't know who u are but leave this guy alone....he's clearly got mental health issues and provided he's doing no harm just let him live in his fantasy world...he's to be pityed not have the micky taken”
Gee thanks, but please don’t help me.
“Anonymous said...
your such a knob jockey jason, i think prehaps it is better your mother and father have passed on to spare them from seeing the useless pathetic human being you have become. you have achieved nothing in your wasted life and never will, instead you choose to live in a fantasy world where you are goodlooking and muscular, forever on the verge of launching your comic and being a success, truth is jay your a waster and always have been....oh and i do know you looks like the powers let you down again lol
won't be reading your blog again though....actually feel sorry for you if this is all you have.”
Who the hell uses the word “knob jockey” idiot.
How dare you say that about my parents, who the fuck do you think you are saying stuff like that?
Achieved nothing? I’ve achieved loads, including my heart’s desire and that is to be happily married to a beautiful lady, living a quite life in the country and enjoying my time writing and relaxing.
You say that I live in a fantasy world where I think I’m good looking and muscular? Well in fact a lot of people find me good looking, but the only person’s view I am interested in is my wife’s.
And as for me being not muscular, well considering I have not seen you in over a year, and since I’ve moved here, I have lost a lot of weight and started going to a gym where I have toned my body into muscle, and considering that everybody has muscles, you really are an idiot.
And as for my comic book, I have written the first issue, and the artwork is half way done. So yes I will be a success thank you.
And if you want an issue signed, you just need to ask!
You feel sorry for me huh? You who are sitting in front of a computer screen waiting for a reply to your clever comments, where I’m getting on with my life.
In fact I feel sorry for you.
“A friend said...
In Jays defence, To the anon person who hasnt got the balls to name themselves! the comment about Jays parents is NOT ON.OUT OF ORDER. I do believe in free speech but when it comes to slanderous comments and speaking ill of the dead, that is so wrong.”
Thank you, it is out of order.
“Anonymous said...
thanks jason's friend but if you learn to read to a level where you understand context you will see that it wasn't jay's parents i was having a go at....and slander only refers to the spoken word....i think you should were thinking of libel...which doesn't apply to the deceased even if it had been directed at them...which it wasn't! nice to see his friends are as switched on as he is! Lol”
Ha, you are still here at your computer screen waiting for any replies to your comment, I knew you were sad.
“friend said...
Ok anon, time out, i didnt swallow a dictionary,or go to law school. Im just sensitive when it comes to People who cant defend themselves. Im sure, no matter what, his parents would love him all the same. Non of us are perfect anyway! Jays had a hard life and may need a kick up the backside sometimes, but,he has to find his way. Boy you must have had some fall out to pent your feelings in this way? take care anon lol”
At the time I was not going to reply to any of these comments until that one about my parents, so here I am defending my blog, and myself but thank you anyway.
I never said I was perfect, don’t want to be, that would be way to boring of a life. And I know that my parents are proud of me.
“Anonymous said...
not really fell out with him at all,but feel he's more than capable of defending himself if he had a defence. None of this would have happened if he had not chosen to slag off other people in his blog,then i would not have commented except i know what he's writing is just plain wrong, how he can slag off his only family beggers belief, and that is what i was talking about when i refered to his parents...i'm sure they would still love him but i know they would not be happy or except his version of events. Jason's blog is jason's blog, he can write whatever he likes, but when he writes about others he has to take responsibility for his words, and not expect them or those who know them to sit and take it. everyone is entitled to an opinion but lies are always lies and thats what jason has been telling. enough now....should be doing stuff in the real world! Lol”
So you have not fallen out of me but you still slag me off, such a nice person you really are.
Slag off other people? Who the heck have I slagged off on my blog?
How can I slag off my only family, quite easy in fact when you realise what kind of family I had left once my parents died.
Considering my parents were disappointed in my sister in how she lived her life, and they had no problems with me at all, what gives you the right to say something that is a total lie?
When have I been telling lies? Please let me know, as I am interested in your views on this.
“Anonymous said...
thanks for the comment azimouth4, but again you seem to have missed the point "maybe the people who are so ready to slag other people off should take a good look in the mirror" you said.....well jason was the one who started by slagging off his sister, so maybe rather than try to defend him you should be telling him to look in that mirror and keep his lies to himself. oh and just because your reality is over rated and an obvious disappointment to you doesn't mean everyone elses is.....i'm quite happy with mine. :)!”
That is for a later post.
Yet again people, what lies?
When have I lied?
So you love your reality where you sit in front of a computer thinking of clever things to say to people on their blogs, being such a cool person and being proud. TWAT.
ok now...I've not got enough time to reply to all your comments yet, but will do soon.
so feel free to add some more.
jason most of your blog is a lie, not in the sense i'm begining to realise that you are even doing it knowingly anymore. i think you really do believe what your writing, and believe your memory's of past events happened the way you remember. there is no point in me having a conversation with you, slagging you off, even posting anymore. you are wrong but you will never see it, your world is a fantasy but maybe thats for the best. if you can't face your own mistakes and guilt in any other way than to transfer them to others then fine...but why not keep it to yourself? oh and i'm not don't fall out with him over this, it seems you posted something less than nice on sj's blog once when you thought she had said something? people in glass houses jason should not throw stones. goodbye and good luck :)
I don't know why I'm writing this as you will only believe your version of events however, in reply to your evil comments in your email to me -
Firstly, maybe mum did hate me at the end, maybe she did say I was a disappointment. Maybe she tried to play us off against each other as she used to say the same about you
to me.
As for David, yes, I do feel ashamed about him a fact I spoke to mum and dad about and apologised later. I also payed the price for that relationship by him using me as a punch bag and trying to kill me. He didn't however threaten you and mum, for one thing, she wouldn't have pput up with that sort of treatment.
As for the married man thing, I did not sleep with him. Yes, he left his wife, not because of me. Yes his wife did come to the house, no I did not hide upstairs I was in the kitchen with her and mum. No, their marriage did not break up - either because of me or anyone else. You were no older than Liam at the time, maybe you didn't understand the world of adults and saw things differently.
When mum had cancer I was living in Cornwall and had just given birth to Liam. Once he was on a bottle, I came to visit and carried on visiting frequently. You did not take mum to her chemo sessions the hospital arranged transport for her.
I have never said I was a role model for anybody. Yes I smoked weed, so have you. Yes I squatted briefly, I needed a roof over my head when I was homeless. Yes I stole food as I was starving unlike you stealing videos from blockbuster! No, I did not steal dads ornament, mum gave it to me and as for your bloody rock collection, why the hell would I want that?
As for dad, again, I lived away from MK so no I couldn't help out. However, I did send mum money to get taxi's to see him in the nursing home, I did come back and visit often. The first I knew of dad being in hospital was when the ward sister rang me to tell me that he was fading fast and although she had tried to contact you and mum, no-one had turned up. Dad died alone in hospital. Had you had phoned me to tell me what had happened I would have been there.You didn't organise dad's funeral, the RAF did as they were paying for it.
When mum died I came over as I was upset and to see how you were, it wasn't for a few hours as we all stayed overnight.
I did not cry crocodile tears, I loved mum and dad but I guess you won't believe that. I'm sorry that Vicky was "disgusted with me" at mum's funeral. I am surprised at this info as she was very nice and seemed genuine when I talked to her.
As for mum's insurance, I didn't give a toss about the money I just wanted to make sure that you looked into it as you needed it more than me.
The most despicable thing about all this is your accusation that I wanted to flush mums ashes down the toilet. How dare you! That has got to be the worst lie you have ever told, I would never have said that about anyone let alone my mum.
As for not wanting family photos for Liam, I have loads already that mum had given me some time ago, also shortly before she died I received a parcel from her with loads more photos plus the snuff box that belonged to her dad.
I know exactly who I am, I know I've made mistakes in my past and I have come to terms with that. I regret many of my mistakes and learnt from them. My life may not be to your liking but I am at peace with myself and happy. As for not contacting you anymore- after everything you have said why the hell would I want to?
Watch out for the wolves Jay, they are on their way.
This was the email my sister has responded to, I was not going to do this, but everyone needs to know the truth and it is the truth as is everything else on this blog journal.
Well Melanie it has finally come down to this, finally I get to tell you what an evil and selfish bitch you really are.
I have never met someone who is so bloody twisted and evil like you.
But let’s be honest now, I will never ever see you again, and I really don’t care if you go to Hell or not.
So you might wonder why this outburst from me then?
Well this was a promise I made to Mum before she died,
She hated you for the way you treated her and Dad for all those years, you were their biggest disappointment.
Mum wanted me to wait until I'm ready to tell you what a bitch you really are, so the time has come for this...
So where do I start?
You brought a Psychopath into our home, a man who used to beat you up, a man who took drugs, a man who threatened mum and me. David was a fucking twisted bastard.
How dare you do that? Mum had to hide the fucking kitchen knives because of him! They hated him and you for doing that.
You brought shame to my Dad when he found out what a little whore you were, sleeping around with married men, and having their wives turn up at our house to confront you. But you was not brave was you Mel; you were hiding upstairs in the living room and mum had to deal with your problems.
And to top it off, the married man you were sleeping with was the father of my school friend who you were babysitting for, you broke that marriage up.
But he was not the first married man you had slept with was he?
What a bitch!
Where were you when Mum had cancer? Did you help her out? Were you there for any of us when Mum was on chemo?, did you take her to the hospital? No I did everything for her. You did nothing, yet again what a selfish bitch you were, just thinking about yourself and no one else.
You really are such a good role model Melanie, taking class A drugs, squatting, stealing food, spending a night in jail, stealing Dad's Shiva ornament after his funeral, and stealing my rock collection.
When Dad got ill, where were you?
Did you help him, or us?
Was you there looking after him, carrying him to the toilet, feeding him, staying up all night making sure he was breathing, dealing with all the nurses?
No you bloody well were not.
I had to juggle a full time job and look after my parents.
Even Mum needed help, I was the one who organised to get a wheel chair for Dad, I was the one who had to rush home in a middle of a busy shift at work, to pick dad up from the floor after he had fallen, as mum had no strength left to carry him upstairs to the toilet, sometimes even cleaning him up.
You really never cared about your parents, Mum and Dad were so disappointed and sick of you.
I was the one who organised Dad's funeral when he passed away, what did you do huh?
Oh yeah, that's right you texted me that after Dad's funeral, you would never have anything to do with me or Mum ever again, that we do not exist to you or Liam, and that Mum would never see Liam ever again.
She was so hurt by that, mum had just lost her husband, and you banned her from seeing her grandson!
My Mum never got to see her grandson before she died, she loved him so much that she used to keep a photo of Liam on her bedside cabinet.
What a bitch you are!
Now we get to Mum, do you know she disowned you? She really hated you on how you turned out and treated your family.
You hurt her so much that she never ever forgave you.
Did you know that Mum died in my arms, telling me that she loved me before she passed on?
And what did you do, the next day you came over for a few short hours because you felt guilty that you never got a chance to say goodbye.
You even had the cheek to go into her bedroom to see what you could take! Thank god I hid a few items away.
Yes, I've had the family bible all this time.
Mum never wanted you to have it after the way you treated her and Dad.
She said I could have it and do whatever I like with it.
I thought about giving it to Uncle Terry, but he passed away before I could do anything about it.
The bible is staying in my family, for my children. You will never get your hands on it.
Even at Mum's funeral, that I organised, you were a bitch.
Crocodile tears and trying to get sympathy from people, I am so glad I had my people there, because they saw what you were really like.
My best friend, Vicki had to leave the house in disgust with the way you were behaving.
All you were interested in was how much was her insurance and how much you would get?
Well guess what, all the money that came through from the insurance company went on the funeral bill.
And Mum's ashes? All you wanted to do with her ashes was to flush it down the toilet,
And what is sick is that you were not even joking!
How could you even think about stuff like that? What kind of person are you?
I can't believe that you are my sister, you are so twisted and bitter.
You were not even interested in having any of the family photos, not even for Liam.
Melanie you are no longer my sister any more,
Do not try and contact me, as you are no longer welcome.
By the way, I've posted this on my blog as well,
So the world can see what a spiteful, selfish and evil bitch you really are.
Jason Louis
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