Saturday, August 19, 2006

Just a typical post

Thank ye oh Mighty Gawd for the joyment of being in semi retirement and that certain taxpayers will keep me in a life style that I am accustoming to.
Praise the Lord!

Sorry folks but that was just a lil dig at my bro-in-law & sister.

Seriously guys give it a rest now, get back to your sad little lives together and stop bothering me here on my web journal.
I thank you.

I would just like to add one more tiny little comment to my former family before I go back to sitting on my lazy arse and watch the dvds that I bought the other day from HMV.

Bollocks I could not find anything interesting to say about you guys anyway.
So love ya, bye!

On to other news now…

Last night was the Big Brother Finale, ok enough of the groans now folks, I can’t help but loving the latest series, and I was backing Aisleyne to win the show.
Apart from looking really nice (nice butt as well) she has gone on the most journey than anyone else has in the house, and I think she personally deserves to win.
But alas Pete won the show, he had been tipped to be the winner from the very beginning.
I am glad he did win, but the show was so very fixed.
I hope this will be the last BB show they will produce.

Lost is getting good now, the last ep of this season should be a real corker.
I heard something bad will happen to three of the characters in the last episode.

Personal note of glory here folks is that I have not had a cigarette in over 22 months now! And that is my determination to stay healthy for my Candy and for myself.
Going cold turkey like that was the strongest and hardest things I have ever done.
No cigarette’s + no smoking weed = healthy Jason.
I don’t even drink hardly that much now.
My first drink was last week when we bought a bottle of whisky.
It was our first drink since Christmas.

The country life is doing wonders for me, I might not like nearly all the people here in Easingwold, but the place itself is wonderful.
The views from our windows are beautiful, wildlife on our doorstep.
We had nesting owls in our front tree, bats flying around our front lane at night time, various species of butterflies around with fantastic bright colours, squirrels in our trees, rabbits in the field opposite, beautiful nesting wildlife birds in the wetlands at the back of our house, pheasants in our garden with dragon flies darting about them.
It is a very beautiful and serine place to live.
The best thing is that no one can build anything around us as the Woodland Trust protects the land.

Lets look at my life now –
I live in a very rich market town situated in a very beautiful part of North Yorkshire, in a three-bedroom house that I always wanted.
I am married to my soulmate, my sweetheart, my Candy who I love eternally. The lady is everything to me.
I spend all my time with my wife, cooking, drawing, writing, laughing, having fun, playing games, and enjoying life.
I don’t work here in Easingwold because I am too old and over qualified for any of the jobs here (I’m not kidding!).
I’m concentrating fully on writing my comic book now, and I am also thinking about writing articles for a local paranormal magazine.
I don’t get stressed any more. I really don’t have any worries now.

The only peeves that I have now are some of the inbred farmers that live in Easingwold, and that my diabetes medication can be a real pain in the backside.

So all in all I'm sorted!


At 1:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

yawn yawn

At 5:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

oh almost forgot jay....but why are you calling your company black cat press (c) when that is already a registered company name in sacramento amongst other places? you do know that your (c) is meaningless don't you?

At 2:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want you and your beautiful (uuuugh) wife to die. Thankfully the general rules of obesity are going to serve my needs.

At 2:24 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

To Anonymous of 19/8. I thought on the the same lines so have emailed blackcat in the US a couple of weeks ago. Email
reply suggests their attorney is on to this. Lets hope he gets his final come uppance

At 10:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Martin, you do realise that you are the one who looks bad now don't you?
Or do you think that threats and wishing someone dead are the makings of a good person?
All of this information is being saved as you were careless enough to write it all down and sign it.
Whatever I think of you has only been formed over these last weeks. I have not insulted you or your family, yet you feel it neccessary, not only to insult me but to threaten my life.
What a charming man you are!
Threatening behaviour and a hate campain for no reason but the musings of one man.
I really don't know what else to say about you...I guess you are just not a nice person. Fortunately I don't have to have any contact with you. I feel sorry for those that do.

At 3:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No hate campaign was ever started. Just responses to the name calling, sarcastic comments, and vicious lies that have been stated on this site about my family.
I would welcome an end to this so I never have to hear from either of you again. If you continue to write things about us then we will continue to respond. It stops when you stop.

At 9:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

couldn't agree more martin, i'm starting to think jayson is getting off on the upset he's causing, and since no one bothered to comment on his "about bloody time" post he set out in the next one to stir things up again, don't give him the satisfaction.he's really not worth it!

At 11:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jason,you dont't know me, just happened to come across your site as i collect comics.I felt that i had to leave a comment though.I was quite taken aback at all this tickle tackle. Your site started off very interestingly until you started to piss people off with nasty personal comments. Your site is marred and has become quite a slanging match, which i feel should have been kept at a personal level. Yes you have a right to say what you like diplomatically and not in a vindictive way. Who are you going to turn to now your family have disowned you and you have no friends left? Candy maybe there for you, God forbid if she wern't there anymore. You will be a sad lonely man. You dont' seem sorted, very troubled. Wishing you well.

At 9:59 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

All of this has stemmed from one comment.
An admission of a feeling out into
the real world.

"I still have alot of anger centered towards my sister,
Melanie for how she treated me and my Mum.
I really don't care if I ever see her again."

On a blog that has been and is still the truthful feeling and experiences of one man and his life.
I thought it was a brave admission, from someone who had kept a great deal of feelings to himself for many years.
It was not, as many have said wrongly, an insult, a dig, or a bitchy comment.
This blog is for Jason, whether other people read it or not is of no significance and has not been for all the other blogs he has published for the last five years.
The drama that ensued upon these pages has come from those who were offended by the said comment.
The name calling started with the hate campaign and it is a hate campaign. The statements about the "lies" stated, all came from the same people.
There are no lies here, do you not think for a second, that if he were to lie, he would make his life sound fantastical where everything works out all the time?
I certainly would!
Life is not like that though, the words spell that out clearly enough.
It may look, for those who have checked out this blog, knowing little of the past or of the person, that there are many people who are on this hate campaign.
However there are not.
If anyone chooses to study the replies written here, they will notice similarities between certain
I have studied this, in depth, with the knowledge and training of a Copy Editor. Trained to identify grammatical mistakes and the idiosyncrasies that come with them. There is enough evidence to more than suggest that "key" posts, in the beginning, were not written by who they said they were.
Feel free, if you have the time or inclination, to ponder whether there are more than one similarity between the initial "Liam" post and subsequent "anonymous" posts and "Melanie" posts. The over long sentances, the lack of punctuation in said sentances. Wonder at whether the grammar and language that is written in the early "Liam" posts, would sound correct if it came out of the mouth of an a 12yr old boy of average intellect. Note the unusual missuse of an apostrophe, where a comma should be, in another "Liam" post. Now check for the same, very unusual mistake, in the "Martin" post. Feel free also, to study further, the similarity of key "anon" posts, with "Melanie" posts. Could any potential differences be explained by simple programme quirks. The way that "notepad" and this "post a comment" option, do not automatically initialise the "i", whereas "word" does.
There are many reasons to conject that people are not who they say or don't say they were.
These things you may say, could be coincidence. However, that would not take into account key personal information, that is only known by immediate family members. Do you have any secrets in your family? Most people do but do you know who else knows them. Are they the kind of things, you would tell a boy/girlfriend? Chances are, they are not. Such things are often kept to the close family only and for good reasons. Such things have been said here. Things that only "close" family would know.
So, if there is anyone left out there, who has not chosen to involve themselves in this matter, please check the evidence in front of you. Make up your own minds about the motivation behind the hate campaign.
"Trolls" happen all the time on blogs, people who only wish to cause trouble are always looking for their next plaything. That is no problem, they can be evaded and dealt with.
Now immagine that those "trolls", know personal information about you and will spread it willingly across the web. Imagine if you will, more importantly, that those "trolls", "want you and your beautiful(uuuugh)wife to die".
Now imagine if those same "trolls" know where you live...
Scary isn't it? Try living it...

At 8:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yawn, Yawn Yawn. You are determined not the let this saga come to an end. You just cannot resist
having more digs and doing more stirring. Believe what you wish but those earlier entries were written by who they said they were. As I stated before I would gladly see an end to this war of words but you just seem to want to drag it on and on, looking at your last entry. What sort of incitement do you up to achieve with comments such as
"Trolls" happen all the time on blogs, people who only wish to cause trouble are always looking for their next plaything. That is no problem, they can be evaded and dealt with.
Now immagine that those "trolls", know personal information about you and will spread it willingly across the web. Imagine if you will, more importantly, that those "trolls", "want you and your beautiful(uuuugh)wife to die".
Now imagine if those same "trolls" know where you live...
Scary isn't it? Try living it..."
This has escalated from comments by your husband that upset his sister. Thing have got out of hand but at least the truthful hatred has manifested itself. Why can,t you just write about something else now and stop playing ameteur detective or are you determined to have Jason all to yourself by driving a wedge between him and everyone from his past. Stop writing about my family and I, or even eluding to us. Leaving out our names is pointless as anyone who has been following this blog will know who you are referring to. Stop the comments and we shall have nothing further to say. Carry on and we will continue to defend ourselves.

At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not wish any incitement Martin, only to state the truth.
There is nothing for you to defend here. As you said, this was between Jason and Mel and it should have stayed that way.
Your family started the trouble, Liam had no right to interfere, yet he chose to attack his uncle.
Why should he be able to fight his Mother's corner and yet I should not be allowed to get involved?
You cannot pin any of the break down of the relationship between Jason and his sister on me, all of that past history happened years before either you or I came along, so don't be so petty to suggest that.
I will not be threatened Martin.
I do not take lightly the words that you have said and all the things that have not been denied.
I have never attacked you or your family and nor would I.
Yet you seem to think that it is ok to attack mine!
Life doesn't work one way Martin, not without consequences.

At 2:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"As for you Liam...
I have only met you on a couple of occaisions and I actually thought you were a nice boy. But I guess not eh?
It is sweet that you should defend your mother, but these are matters that do not concern you boy, they are between the only two people who know the facts, Jason and Melanie.
But how you could say such things about a man who has doted on you, (see the comments above)I cannot believe. I feel that I have been hoodwinked that you had all of these feelings before and you just lied to Jason and Myself, when we ment you last.
Good God Boy, people were laughing at you in the street!! Who defended you?? Your Uncle Jason did you idiot!! And this is how you repay him?
Never has a bad word been said about you but now it seems that being a spoilt public school boy has ruined what potential there was for a decent child.
I feel disgusted by all that you have said and how DARE you speak of the dead in such a way!
You wait till you lose a parent boy, see how much it devastates your world" guess you forgot you wrote this then candy or you would never have written "I have never attacked you or your family and nor would I" would you candy?
tell me are you trying to keep this alive as jason clearly seems to be trying to (looking at yet another dig in his next post)because it gives him a sense of importance or bearing? Tell me candy if you have family would you borrow money from them and decide later not to pay it back? If you had a problem or issue with a family member would you talk to them about it or post it on a public blog? jay started this nobody else. the man you love is a thief and a liar and if he can do that to his own kin then you had better watch out girl because while its all roses for you two at the moment, you never know whats around the corner.

At 8:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sup i'm new on here. I came accross this website I find It absolutely useful and it has helped me a lot. I should be able to give something back and help other people like it has helped me.

Thank You, See You Later


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