Friday, August 04, 2006

Here we go again!

Here we go again…Sigh!

Sarah, I’m really sorry for our falling out, I hope we can make amends, email me sometime.

Anonymous, you really are a sad little shite aren’t you?
Why do you read my journal if you hate me so much?
And if you do hate me so much that you have to be vile towards my wife, my friends, and myself, why do you insist on saying that we have never fallen out?
Why not reveal yourself to me and to everyone on this Blog, or are you so much of a coward that you know that you are in the wrong.
Or is it that I do know who you are and the things I know about you are things you don’t want me to write on this Journal.

Liam should take responsibility for what he says, he said a lot of hurtful things to me and you expect me not to reply to him?
I admit, I never should have called him a twat, and I said sorry to him publicly.
And what do you know of my family? What do you know about my dad? You really know nothing at all. I’ve been in contact with my late father’s family, so wherever you get your information from, it’s all lies.
Why did I take money off Melanie? Because she owed me one, she lent me the money for me to repay her back later. My personal choice not to pay her back, does that make me a bad person, maybe it does, but Melanie owes me a lot more than a mere hundred quid.
And why did I visit her for a week, because I had to take Mum’s ashes to her hometown and Melanie wanted to go.
Plus, at the time I was trying to build bridges with her that was burnt by Melanie along time ago.

My father suffered numerous heart attacks and strokes from 1997 to 2001, whilst he was being nursed at home by my mum, and myself
And in a nursing home that he moved into in 2000. From late 2000 to early 2001 I moved away from home to live with a friend of mine,
Until dad passed away in hospital.
That is when I moved back home to look after my Mum because she was having problems coping by herself and her grief at losing her husband.
It was later on in 2002 that my Mum got ill and I had to nurse her until she passed away with a massive heart attack and died in my arms.
You say you have contempt for me? I have contempt for you for saying such things about my parents.
And one last thing, Do not ever talk to my wife like that again.

Liam, I have texted you before in the past with which you never bothered in replying to, then you get yourself a new phone and could not be bothered in giving me the number.
So you ring me up with an unknown private number and you expect me to answer? Get real, I had no idea it was you, how about texting me next time.
So you know whom Anonymous is then do you? Would it be your stepfather Martin? Or is it your Mum pretending to be someone else?
If you know so much about me then Liam, then please tell me on my blog, I am very interested in what you know of me.
As for Dawn Mage being full of lies, when have I lied on this blog?
Liam I have never ever lied about my own mother, so please do not say that I have.
And I’m sure that my wife really does not care that you like her or not anymore.
I know you are defending your Mum Liam, but if you want to be adult enough, why not try and understand my side of the story and make up your own mind.
I’m really sorry it had to come to this kiddo.


At 1:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i shall simply refer you to the last comment i left on your previous log jason, i'm bored of reading your lies now and have given up hope you will see the truth. your comment on how your sister owed you one so you decided not to pay her back just sums you up. you see blame in everyone but yourself, you consider the world owes you something without feeling any responsibility to give anything back. i pity you.

At 5:53 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have tried not to get involved in these proceedings until now, as I viewed it as family business. I have resisted the temptation despite the malicious hurt you cause with your fantasies and lies. You Walter Mitty. Instead of respecting the fact that I have remained outside this saga you now choose to suggest that I am "anonymous". No doubt you will try and twist your own words to suggest that you weren,t implying it was me. Okay, the gloves are off.You are in no position to bad mouth anyone you lazy waste of space. How about getting a job and holding it down for a while. Perhaps that might be the first step to popping out of this bubble you obviously live in somewhere in middle earth. You readily admit that you borrowed money off Mel but now you have decided you don,t wish to pay it back. Life doesn,t work like that, just because the welfare state has fed and clothed you on and off for years at the taxpayers expense, it doesn,t mean that everything is a free gift. You have gone through life just taking what you want with no intention of answering your debts. When the heat is on and the debt collectors come a knockin you just move on. It must take some balls to continue drawing on a desceased mans military pension. I don,t view £100 pounds as a life or death sum, but there is a principle involved and a moral obligation to repay debts.You can,t go on freeloading forever. Or does that only count for people with as much as an ounce of self respect. Enough about the money for now.
You probably realise that I was on the scene 9 years ago, well before all these supposed happenings. I recall things as they happened at the time and they are nothing like your meanderings. As Candy wasn.t on the scene then are some of her comments or opinions really valid, as she as only got the word of a blatant liar to go on.
I hate you for your slanderous lies and the way you think you can speak about people. You forget all the good things. Even when you visited us you just spent all your money on comics or some other juvenile paraphinalia and Mel subsidised you the rest of the week. Thats just one example of how you have been helped by people but just seem to have this blinkered dream or fantasy of what has gone on over the years. Get some self respect Man and start being a bit more responsible for your actions.
Will Mel see her money back soon as a sign that you have learnt that no one owes you a damn thing. ?
I appreciate your blog is your own space for your freedom of speech but a line has to be drawn when you talk about your family in such a way (or ex family if you prefer). People reading your blog who are familiar with you may also know Mel and Liam, so that is where the freedom of speech becomes nasty, vicious, malicious harmful and bang out of order. You like to rant on your blog about how good a son you were. You lived a short distance from your fathers grave, we lived over 100 miles away yet when we visited the graveside a couple of months after the funeral, you hadn,t been . the grave hadn,t been tended since the funeral. We tidied it up and you weren,t interested. you only lived round the corner and it was,nt as if you had a punishing work schedule. Great son werent you. Enough for now, I.ll let you chew over this.

At 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jason,

Whether you believe what I am saying is the truth or not is your choice but I have no time for lies never did.

I hope from past history you know if I ever had a problem with you I would have the balls and respect to own up to my views not hide behind anonymousity.

Secondly, I no longer have the time to spend putting up pointless flaming comments on anyones blog.

Like you I have found peace with the woman of my heart and also I am now a proud father to a beautiful 4 month old daughter.

I have everything that I have ever asked for, so whatever biterness you may have accused me off having is nothing further than the truth.

I hope that whoever is sick enough to speak ill of the dead and spineless enough to slag you off without owning up to it will pack it in. Your blog has always been your diary and you have been free to have fun with what you were saying. I believe in freedom of speech which is why I have never previously responded to your views of me (whether true or not), but the comments that you may have thought as coming from me made me intervene for the first time.

We have both moved on and we are both happy and that is what we both wanted.

Some of my last words to you were that I wish you health and hapiness and those words still stand.


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