Monday, August 14, 2006

Response to Martin Hargreaves

Dear Martin,

Ok this is going to stop right now, I am getting sick of all the lies that you, your wife and your stepson are spouting on my blog.
I had no grudge against you Martin, but this is personal now.
I already know that it was you who were posting most of the “Liam” posts and that “Melanie” did most of the anonymous posts, do you really think that I am that stupid? My god man, your spelling and grammar in those posts gave it away you idiot.
Plus all the inside information about personal family things that only Melanie would have told you.
Both you and Melanie started a hate campaign on here, and that is going to stop now.

Let’s get some facts straight here, I DID NOT slag off Melanie on this site, I made a personal comment on how I felt towards that woman, it was her who made it public, like posting a reply to a private email on my blog, I was not even going to post the original email on here until she tipped my hand.

You and your wife have been nothing but malicious, hurtful, and downright evil with the vile comments that you have posted about me, including very hurtful comments towards Candy.
You do not know my wife, you don’t really even know me that well, when have you ever sat down and had a proper conversation with me?
You don’t even know anything about me.

And why do you seem to find it alright to make digs against me? What does it matter to you about my work status?
Calling me a workshy DSS money sponging waste of space fat twat?
Wow Martin, I bet you really are proud of those comments, but what do I expect from someone who does not have the intelligence to string a proper sentence together.

When have I ever run away from the debt collector’s?
Everyone I owe money to knows where I live and all my debts have been or being dealt with.
And when have I ever drawn on a deceased man’s pension?
It was my mum who was doing that, and even then it was a mistake.
Plus I have sorted that debt with the courts.

When did Melanie subsidise me? Ok, she might have bought me a drink or two, and maybe paid for a meal out, but so did I, I even recall that I treated you to some beer. And what was wrong with buying stuff for myself?

What fantasy world do I live in?
Middle Earth? Narnia? Tatooine?
Ok I know that Easingwold is a strange place to live, what with all the inbred farmers and strange hoody wearing hobbits, but is that really a fantasy world?

I really loved the comment you made about my dad's grave, what a hoot!
I lived more than a short distance away Martin, Oldbrook to New Bradwell was not a walking distance, by taxi it cost over £6.00 each way.
Mum and I did visit dad's graveside before and after you made a very quick visit, oh by the way did it ever occur to you and Melanie to visit my Mum at the time considering that you was in the area?
Of course, my mistake there Martin, sorry just remembered that Melanie banned Mum and I from ever seeing her and Liam ever again, what was those words again, oh yes that's right, we did not exisit to her, and that mum could never see her only grandchild.
Wow what a great wife you got there buddy.

As for me being a superior being? Well compared to you and that sister of mine, I am far more superior.
I do not slagg someone on their blog, I do not tell lies about them, and I do not pretend to be a 12 year old boy like you have dear Martin.

Don't come back to this website and threaten me again Martin or I will seek legal action against you and Melanie for starting a hate campaign against me and my wife.
You have been warned, so BEHAVE!


At 12:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

lmao....sorry jay but still no closer.....i'm interested in the grammar and spelling that "gave it away" for you you just mean we spelt words correctly or just used correct grammar? which i guess makes you the idiot...but then thats 3 guesses now all of which are way wide of the mark.
Your grammar is less than perfect by the way "me and my wife" should be my wife and i. but that aside why don't you just pay melanie the money you took from her and you can forget all about each other? oh and if 5 OR 6 pounds is too much to spend on a taxi to visit your fathers grave then what about taking a bus? or god forbid walking....a 6 quid taxi trip equates to about 4 miles....would that have killed you? but hey i forgot you had other more inportant things to spend other peoples money on like comics eh?

At 6:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who the hell do you think you are you dickhead. You think you know it all. If I was going to impersonate Liam on your blog I wouldnt then use my own name for later posts. You think you can threaten me and get away with it you fat twat. You cast the first stone and started all this hatred. By the way Mel isn,t anonymous. With regards legal action I don,t think you have a hope. I flagged your site last week because I objected to it being used as a platform for you to tell all these lies about Mel and Liam. I also contacted Google regarding breach of terms and conditions of site usage, they advised me that having seen your blog they were not in a position to act as the content is up to those that use it. With regards to a lack of respect for your wife, remind me what I said. Some respect you have for her anyway, you don,t even have the dignity to pay for your wedding hotel. Who do you think you are, Bonnie and Clyde. Forget the money you owe us,(i wouldn,t want to think of jt being scammed from someone else) hopefully you will get your come - uppance.
On initially reading your latest post I thought you wanted an end to this, but then you go on to rubbish Mel again. Revenge is sweet.
Just to re-iterate. Liam wrote the posts he claims to have written. He was very upset at the comments about his mum.
With regards my poor grammar and spelling, if you are so perfect why can,t you hold down a job.
Now why don,t you get off your lazy arses, get a job each and stop sponging off us tax payers. Perhaps you might start thinking clearer if you join the real world. You just live on lies upon lies and you have even got your wife to believe all these fabrication. Have a shit life.


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