Friday, September 22, 2006


This is the final swansong of Dawn Mage.
Due to a lot of vile and nasty comments from my sister, brother in law, nephew and possibly other people who I don’t really care about, I am closing down this once good web journal.
But have no fears true believers, as I have already started a brand new web journal elsewhere.
Melanie, Martin and Liam brought a lot of hate and pain to My wife and I.
I could go on and say more stuff about the three of you, but what is the point?
I and other people know how evil and nasty you can be, I really pity you three.

So goodbye, hope you burn in hell and fuck off!

All the best
Jason Gerard Charles Louis

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Trolls, Trolls everywhere…

This is not me restarting any badness on my blog, this is just a response to the last lot of comments I received.

Ok this is going to be another response to all those nice peeps who like to leave me comments.
“Anonymous said...
yawn yawn “

if you are that bored then bugger off!
“Anonymous said...
oh almost forgot jay....but why are you calling your company black cat press (c) when that is already a registered company name in sacramento amongst other places? you do know that your (c) is meaningless don't you? “

I choose to copyright my Black Cat Press as it means something to me. It represents my comic book publishing empire.
“Martin Hargreaves said...
I want you and your beautiful (uuuugh) wife to die. Thankfully the general rules of obesity are going to serve my needs. “

You really are a vile stupid little thug.
Threatening my wife and I was the last thing you should have done.
Interesting point on the obesity thing, considering that Candy and I are not obese you idiot.
Well at least we can lose a bit of weight, you will always be a mindless northern inbred twat, who is a lot older than I, who will in fact die well in advance than myself. Have a nice life Martin, what’s left of it anyway.
“Martin said...
To Anonymous of 19/8. I thought on the the same lines so have emailed blackcat in the US a couple of weeks ago. Email
reply suggests their attorney is on to this. Lets hope he gets his final come uppance
!!!! “

don’t make me laugh you idiot, what the hell can a American attorney do to me?, I've committed no crime.
You really are a sad pathetic little troll!
“Martin said...
No hate campaign was ever started. Just responses to the name calling, sarcastic comments, and vicious lies that have been stated on this site about my family.
I would welcome an end to this so I never have to hear from either of you again. If you continue to write things about us then we will continue to respond. It stops when you stop. “

You and your family started this hate campaign on my journal.
I am only responding to the vile comments and lies that the both of you have written here on my Blog.
You started this trouble when you started to make nasty comments towards my wife and I, when you lied about stuff, and when you slagged off my late parents.
“Anonymous said...
couldn't agree more martin, i'm starting to think jayson is getting off on the upset he's causing, and since no one bothered to comment on his "about bloody time" post he set out in the next one to stir things up again, don't give him the satisfaction.he's really not worth it! “

I don’t really know who you are, and I don’t really care, but if you read my journal entries and all the comments that have been left you will understand that the post after “about bloody time” was a response to the nasty comments that was left by Martin and others.
I do not “get off” on this conflict on my journal. In fact I wish that Martin, Melanie and any other trolls out there to piss off and not comment on my Blog. But it is them who like to see conflict.
“Anonymous said...
Jason,you dont't know me, just happened to come across your site as i collect comics.I felt that i had to leave a comment though.I was quite taken aback at all this tickle tackle. Your site started off very interestingly until you started to piss people off with nasty personal comments. Your site is marred and has become quite a slanging match, which i feel should have been kept at a personal level. Yes you have a right to say what you like diplomatically and not in a vindictive way. Who are you going to turn to now your family have disowned you and you have no friends left? Candy maybe there for you, God forbid if she wern't there anymore. You will be a sad lonely man. You dont' seem sorted, very troubled. Wishing you well. “

Thank you for your response, but there are only a few things that you have gotten wrong.
I did not start to piss off anybody on here. My little comment about my sister -
"I still have alot of anger centered towards my sister,
Melanie for how she treated me and my Mum.
I really don't care if I ever see her again."

Was a very personal thought and meant no slagging off to anybody, the trouble’s between my sister and I have stemmed from a very early age.
The people who started to leave comments on here and there were only a few people – my sister, my nephew, and my brother in law.
I wanted to keep this on a personal level, but it was my former family who wanted to cause trouble by posting vile and nasty comments about myself, my wife and my late parents.
It is in fact I who have disowned my family, the only people I have ever cared about family wise was my late parents, my late uncle, and possibly a few relatives I might still have in Singapore.
And who said I have no friends? Yes I have lost contact with a few since I left Milton Keynes to move up to Easingwold, but the friends I still have will always be there for me as I will always will be there for them.
And I really am sorted, the only troubles I have left now is toothache. And it hurts like hell.
“Martin said...
Yawn, Yawn Yawn. You are determined not the let this saga come to an end. You just cannot resist
having more digs and doing more stirring. “

Says the man who threatened my family!
“Believe what you wish but those earlier entries were written by who they said they were. As I stated before I would gladly see an end to this war of words but you just seem to want to drag it on and on, looking at your last entry. What sort of incitement do you up to achieve with comments such as
"Trolls" happen all the time on blogs, people who only wish to cause trouble are always looking for their next plaything. That is no problem, they can be evaded and dealt with.
Now immagine that those "trolls", know personal information about you and will spread it willingly across the web. Imagine if you will, more importantly, that those "trolls", "want you and your beautiful(uuuugh)wife to die".
Now imagine if those same "trolls" know where you live...
Scary isn't it? Try living it..."

So you still don’t deny the fact that you threatened my wife and I to die? I wonder if the police would be interested in this.
“This has escalated from comments by your husband that upset his sister.”

This is in fact from a promise that I gave to my mum before she died that I would let Melanie know what a selfish and evil little bitch she really is.
“Thing have got out of hand but at least the truthful hatred has manifested itself. Why can,t you just write about something else now and stop playing ameteur detective or are you determined to have Jason all to yourself by driving a wedge between him and everyone from his past. “

When has Candy ever driven a wedge between myself and others?
“Stop writing about my family and I, or even eluding to us. Leaving out our names is pointless as anyone who has been following this blog will know who you are referring to. Stop the comments and we shall have nothing further to say. Carry on and we will continue to defend ourselves.”

Why not bugger off now and not come back Martin, just leave this website.

Saturday, August 26, 2006

It's All Gravy

I have been having a good week so far,

Candy and I have been coming up with a lot more stuff for our comic book, which is turning out to be great.
Her designs for the characters are turning out really well.

We are also planning our First wedding anniversary/honeymoon/holiday for October.
One of the ideas I came up with is to pop down to Ilfracombe in Cornwall, an old friend of mine works in a hotel there that happens to be haunted by a number of poltergeists and she has asked me to investigate it for her.
We are looking into ways to get down their and how much it will cost.
Via coach it will be a ten-hour journey down there.
Still have not decided if we will go yet or not.

Treated myself to a new tarot deck yesterday as my old one got damaged at Christmas, it is a very cool deck.
Bought it from one of my favourite shops in York – Odd Bodkins, the place is full of witchy and metaphysical objects.

Buying a new budgie this weekend to keep Custard company, she seems really lonely by herself, bless her.

Found another statue of Bast on Wednesday, it adds to our collection I suppose. Both Candy and I seem to be connected to her as we both have had a Bast statue before we got together.
And as for a Christmas present from a neighbour we got a larger statue of Bast.

As I am writing this (Thursday evening 21:16) I am listening to my sci-fi CD and the soundtrack for the greatest Star Trek movie came on – Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, this movie was excellent, THE best Trek movie, even greater than First Contact and Nemesis.
Captain Kirk rocks!

Well I suppose I must go for now.

Thought of the Day: Will any nasty little buggers (i.e. my bro-in-law) leave any nasty comments for me to digest? Or will I get a whole blog entry without anybody commenting?

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Just a typical post

Thank ye oh Mighty Gawd for the joyment of being in semi retirement and that certain taxpayers will keep me in a life style that I am accustoming to.
Praise the Lord!

Sorry folks but that was just a lil dig at my bro-in-law & sister.

Seriously guys give it a rest now, get back to your sad little lives together and stop bothering me here on my web journal.
I thank you.

I would just like to add one more tiny little comment to my former family before I go back to sitting on my lazy arse and watch the dvds that I bought the other day from HMV.

Bollocks I could not find anything interesting to say about you guys anyway.
So love ya, bye!

On to other news now…

Last night was the Big Brother Finale, ok enough of the groans now folks, I can’t help but loving the latest series, and I was backing Aisleyne to win the show.
Apart from looking really nice (nice butt as well) she has gone on the most journey than anyone else has in the house, and I think she personally deserves to win.
But alas Pete won the show, he had been tipped to be the winner from the very beginning.
I am glad he did win, but the show was so very fixed.
I hope this will be the last BB show they will produce.

Lost is getting good now, the last ep of this season should be a real corker.
I heard something bad will happen to three of the characters in the last episode.

Personal note of glory here folks is that I have not had a cigarette in over 22 months now! And that is my determination to stay healthy for my Candy and for myself.
Going cold turkey like that was the strongest and hardest things I have ever done.
No cigarette’s + no smoking weed = healthy Jason.
I don’t even drink hardly that much now.
My first drink was last week when we bought a bottle of whisky.
It was our first drink since Christmas.

The country life is doing wonders for me, I might not like nearly all the people here in Easingwold, but the place itself is wonderful.
The views from our windows are beautiful, wildlife on our doorstep.
We had nesting owls in our front tree, bats flying around our front lane at night time, various species of butterflies around with fantastic bright colours, squirrels in our trees, rabbits in the field opposite, beautiful nesting wildlife birds in the wetlands at the back of our house, pheasants in our garden with dragon flies darting about them.
It is a very beautiful and serine place to live.
The best thing is that no one can build anything around us as the Woodland Trust protects the land.

Lets look at my life now –
I live in a very rich market town situated in a very beautiful part of North Yorkshire, in a three-bedroom house that I always wanted.
I am married to my soulmate, my sweetheart, my Candy who I love eternally. The lady is everything to me.
I spend all my time with my wife, cooking, drawing, writing, laughing, having fun, playing games, and enjoying life.
I don’t work here in Easingwold because I am too old and over qualified for any of the jobs here (I’m not kidding!).
I’m concentrating fully on writing my comic book now, and I am also thinking about writing articles for a local paranormal magazine.
I don’t get stressed any more. I really don’t have any worries now.

The only peeves that I have now are some of the inbred farmers that live in Easingwold, and that my diabetes medication can be a real pain in the backside.

So all in all I'm sorted!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Response to Martin Hargreaves

Dear Martin,

Ok this is going to stop right now, I am getting sick of all the lies that you, your wife and your stepson are spouting on my blog.
I had no grudge against you Martin, but this is personal now.
I already know that it was you who were posting most of the “Liam” posts and that “Melanie” did most of the anonymous posts, do you really think that I am that stupid? My god man, your spelling and grammar in those posts gave it away you idiot.
Plus all the inside information about personal family things that only Melanie would have told you.
Both you and Melanie started a hate campaign on here, and that is going to stop now.

Let’s get some facts straight here, I DID NOT slag off Melanie on this site, I made a personal comment on how I felt towards that woman, it was her who made it public, like posting a reply to a private email on my blog, I was not even going to post the original email on here until she tipped my hand.

You and your wife have been nothing but malicious, hurtful, and downright evil with the vile comments that you have posted about me, including very hurtful comments towards Candy.
You do not know my wife, you don’t really even know me that well, when have you ever sat down and had a proper conversation with me?
You don’t even know anything about me.

And why do you seem to find it alright to make digs against me? What does it matter to you about my work status?
Calling me a workshy DSS money sponging waste of space fat twat?
Wow Martin, I bet you really are proud of those comments, but what do I expect from someone who does not have the intelligence to string a proper sentence together.

When have I ever run away from the debt collector’s?
Everyone I owe money to knows where I live and all my debts have been or being dealt with.
And when have I ever drawn on a deceased man’s pension?
It was my mum who was doing that, and even then it was a mistake.
Plus I have sorted that debt with the courts.

When did Melanie subsidise me? Ok, she might have bought me a drink or two, and maybe paid for a meal out, but so did I, I even recall that I treated you to some beer. And what was wrong with buying stuff for myself?

What fantasy world do I live in?
Middle Earth? Narnia? Tatooine?
Ok I know that Easingwold is a strange place to live, what with all the inbred farmers and strange hoody wearing hobbits, but is that really a fantasy world?

I really loved the comment you made about my dad's grave, what a hoot!
I lived more than a short distance away Martin, Oldbrook to New Bradwell was not a walking distance, by taxi it cost over £6.00 each way.
Mum and I did visit dad's graveside before and after you made a very quick visit, oh by the way did it ever occur to you and Melanie to visit my Mum at the time considering that you was in the area?
Of course, my mistake there Martin, sorry just remembered that Melanie banned Mum and I from ever seeing her and Liam ever again, what was those words again, oh yes that's right, we did not exisit to her, and that mum could never see her only grandchild.
Wow what a great wife you got there buddy.

As for me being a superior being? Well compared to you and that sister of mine, I am far more superior.
I do not slagg someone on their blog, I do not tell lies about them, and I do not pretend to be a 12 year old boy like you have dear Martin.

Don't come back to this website and threaten me again Martin or I will seek legal action against you and Melanie for starting a hate campaign against me and my wife.
You have been warned, so BEHAVE!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

About Bloody Time!

Ok… here's a normal journal entry for you guys to read, let's forget about what else is going on in my blog shall we!

I've written the first three rough drafts for The Incredible Iron Lion© and started on the first issue's script, Candy has come up with a very intriguing costume design for the character which looks really good.
I'm going to speak to an old friend about how to go about publishing the comic book as he has had experience in publishing his own comic book.

In 13 week's time, I will be celebrating my first wedding anniversary, I can't wait, and it really has gone very quickly this year.

Sci-fi news now:
The studios have confirmed that the sequel to Batman Begins will be called Batman: The Dark Knight.
Christian Bale will once again don the cowl of the Dark Knight, with a very surprising choice for the Joker.
Heath Ledger will play the Clown Prince of Crime.
The movie will be out in 2008.
Also out in 2008 will be Iron Man from Marvel Entertainment.
There has been no casting for this film just yet, but they have confirmed an unknown actor for the lead.

The other night we had a major storm in Easingwold, the winds were strong enough to loosen the electrical cables outside of our house.
Big shiny blue electrical sparks were dancing up and down the cables and some of our neighbours lost power to their homes.
It kept Candy and I up all night!

Found a pair of very cool red booties for candy yesterday, I'm going to treat her to them next week. And I will treat myself to some comics as usual J

Anyway more later next week, after I have Slayed some Trolls.


James, I'm really sorry that I posted on this blog accusing you of being one of the people posting horrible comments here.
I had no right to do that, as I had no evidence that it was you.

However I do now know who is posting these comments and it is a lot closer to home then I initially thought.

I know that we have had a very "interesting" friendship over the last 10 years, which did cloud my judgement when I was writing a response to the anonymous people who were making comments,
And for that I am sorry.
I do hope that you accept my apologies for this unfounded and childish outburst to you.

I would also like to add to you congratulations on the birth of your baby daughter.

Jason Louis

Bash The Trolls

In response yet again…
“Anonymous said...
Candy, i don't know you or pretend to, your letter to liam was horrible but i understand why you wrote it....because someone you love was being attacked....well thats why liam wrote his letter too, if you can understand that then maybe you two can sort out your differences, all you know of jay is the few years you have been together and what he has told you, all liam know's of his mother is his whole life so he will always believe her....maybe neither of them is always 100% honest all of the time, and perspective will alter truth regardless.”
I respect Liam for standing up for his mother, but I also respect and
agree with Candy’s response to him. He needed to read that, Liam was in the wrong to write those words about my parents, his grandparents.
I have no secrets from Candy, she knows everything about me, as I know everything about her.
“Jason are your unresolved issues now resolved? i would doubt it. perhaps in future you would learn that posting thoughts which are bound to give offence to others will serve no purpose other than to create bad feeling and more issues.
Liam, you have every right to defend those you love, when people say you should be treated as an adult and then respond like childern themselves you should take no notice of them and what they say.”

To be honest with you, the bad blood between my sister and I have been brewing for a very long time, since I was a teenager, which will never be resolved.
I need to clarify this right now, This Blog is called “Dawn Mage”
It is my web journal where I post my personal thoughts on every subject under the sun, including my thoughts on people.
If those people read this blog and see offence, then they really should not read it, I’ve not asked anybody to come to my journal who did not want to read it in the first place.
Does the whole responding like a child mean you as well, as you have been very childish with your insults.
(If this is the same Annon who has been insulting me?)
“Anonymous said...
jason most of your blog is a lie”
Do I have to say this again? When have I lied? and what lies are there on this blog?
“i think you really do believe what your writing, and believe your memory's of past events happened the way you remember. “

Of course I believe in what I write, as it is the truth.
“there is no point in me having a conversation with you, slagging you off, even posting anymore”

Then why are you on here slagging me off, and posting lies about me?
“you are wrong but you will never see it, your world is a fantasy but maybe thats for the best.”

What fantasy world? When have I ever said I lived in a fantasy world?
“if you can't face your own mistakes and guilt in any other way than to transfer them to others then fine...but why not keep it to yourself? “

I do face my guilt and my mistakes, when I make them.
“oh and i'm not don't fall out with him over this, it seems you posted something less than nice on sj's blog once when you thought she had said something?”

Fair enough, I already know it’s not James, and I already have a very good idea on who this is.
As for SJ, that matter is between the two of us and nobody else.

Oh goody my sister…
“Melanie said...
He didn't however threaten you and mum, for one thing, she wouldn't have pput up with that sort of treatment.”

As a matter of fact Melanie, he did.
Why do you think we changed our phone number and went ex-directory? It was because he used to ring us up and hurl vile abuse down the phone at myself and mum.
“Yes his wife did come to the house, no I did not hide upstairs I was in the kitchen with her and mum.”

Bullshit, you was upstairs with dad in the living room, even he did not want to get involved.
“You were no older than Liam at the time, maybe you didn't understand the world of adults and saw things differently.”

So does that mean that Liam sees things different, and the stuff he says is not true?
Plus Mel, I remember everything and I still used to see Gary around the shopping centre and he told me the rest of the story.
“You did not take mum to her chemo sessions the hospital arranged transport for her.”

They in fact stopped the transport van for mum, so I helped her.
“Yes I smoked weed, so have you.”

You have also done Class A drugs as well Melanie.
“Yes I squatted briefly, I needed a roof over my head when I was homeless.”

You made yourself homeless by not paying the rent, Mum and Dad offered you a roof over your head by living at home.
“Yes I stole food as I was starving unlike you stealing videos from blockbuster!”

Melanie there was a period when after mum had died, I had no food for nearly a week, I never stole food, I asked for your help and you refused, even when I had no Gas, Electric or any food, you said no.
And as for Blockbusters, I do believe that the videos I acquired
All went to you and Martin. And I did not see you complaining at the time.
“I did send mum money to get taxi's to see him in the nursing home”

“The first I knew of dad being in hospital was when the ward sister rang me to tell me that he was fading fast and although she had tried to contact you and mum, no-one had turned up.”

The nursing home informed mum of dad going into the hospital, mum informed me because I was not living at home at the time, mum also informed you and you rang me at Virgin when I was at work to tell me. We both visited dad in hospital every day that week.
We were told that he had not got long to live and mum did ring you up to tell you that, the next day we received a phone call from you saying that he passed away.
Mum was angry at the ward sister for not informing her of her husband’s death, and the ward sister informed both of us that you had been in contact and told her that you was the primary carer and you needed to be informed first.
Melanie why do you lie about things like this? Do you have gaps in your memory or do you not think that I remember everything?
I was there, you was not Melanie.
“You didn't organise dad's funeral, the RAF did as they were paying for it.”

The RAF did pay for the most of the funeral bill, so did the benefits agency. And I organised everything else Melanie, including getting the british legion to play the trumpets.
Yet again, where were you?
“When mum died I came over as I was upset and to see how you were, it wasn't for a few hours as we all stayed overnight.”

You in fact stayed overnight at mum’s funeral not the day after she died.
“I did not cry crocodile tears,”

It was not me in fact that said that, but my neighbour Doreen, who was a close friend of mum’s and the claim was substantiated by Vicki, Carl, and Rose.
“I'm sorry that Vicky was "disgusted with me" at mum's funeral. I am surprised at this info as she was very nice and seemed genuine when I talked to her.”

Bollocks! She left the wake as to not cause a scene.
She wanted to bitchslap you for the way you behaved at mum’s funeral.
Vicki was well liked by my mum and she looked upon her as a daughter.
“The most despicable thing about all this is your accusation that I wanted to flush mums ashes down the toilet. How dare you! That has got to be the worst lie you have ever told, I would never have said that about anyone let alone my mum.”

Both you and Martin said that, even in front of Liam.
You even said, “she would find her way to the north sea via the toilet.”
“As for not wanting family photos for Liam, I have loads already that mum had given me some time ago,”

When I talked to you on the phone asking if you wanted any photo’s you said “that you did not want any photo’s and you didn’t really care”.

You really are such a sick and twisted bitch. More twisted than I realised considering the information that has come to light recently about you and your family.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Here we go again!

Here we go again…Sigh!

Sarah, I’m really sorry for our falling out, I hope we can make amends, email me sometime.

Anonymous, you really are a sad little shite aren’t you?
Why do you read my journal if you hate me so much?
And if you do hate me so much that you have to be vile towards my wife, my friends, and myself, why do you insist on saying that we have never fallen out?
Why not reveal yourself to me and to everyone on this Blog, or are you so much of a coward that you know that you are in the wrong.
Or is it that I do know who you are and the things I know about you are things you don’t want me to write on this Journal.

Liam should take responsibility for what he says, he said a lot of hurtful things to me and you expect me not to reply to him?
I admit, I never should have called him a twat, and I said sorry to him publicly.
And what do you know of my family? What do you know about my dad? You really know nothing at all. I’ve been in contact with my late father’s family, so wherever you get your information from, it’s all lies.
Why did I take money off Melanie? Because she owed me one, she lent me the money for me to repay her back later. My personal choice not to pay her back, does that make me a bad person, maybe it does, but Melanie owes me a lot more than a mere hundred quid.
And why did I visit her for a week, because I had to take Mum’s ashes to her hometown and Melanie wanted to go.
Plus, at the time I was trying to build bridges with her that was burnt by Melanie along time ago.

My father suffered numerous heart attacks and strokes from 1997 to 2001, whilst he was being nursed at home by my mum, and myself
And in a nursing home that he moved into in 2000. From late 2000 to early 2001 I moved away from home to live with a friend of mine,
Until dad passed away in hospital.
That is when I moved back home to look after my Mum because she was having problems coping by herself and her grief at losing her husband.
It was later on in 2002 that my Mum got ill and I had to nurse her until she passed away with a massive heart attack and died in my arms.
You say you have contempt for me? I have contempt for you for saying such things about my parents.
And one last thing, Do not ever talk to my wife like that again.

Liam, I have texted you before in the past with which you never bothered in replying to, then you get yourself a new phone and could not be bothered in giving me the number.
So you ring me up with an unknown private number and you expect me to answer? Get real, I had no idea it was you, how about texting me next time.
So you know whom Anonymous is then do you? Would it be your stepfather Martin? Or is it your Mum pretending to be someone else?
If you know so much about me then Liam, then please tell me on my blog, I am very interested in what you know of me.
As for Dawn Mage being full of lies, when have I lied on this blog?
Liam I have never ever lied about my own mother, so please do not say that I have.
And I’m sure that my wife really does not care that you like her or not anymore.
I know you are defending your Mum Liam, but if you want to be adult enough, why not try and understand my side of the story and make up your own mind.
I’m really sorry it had to come to this kiddo.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

To everybody who is reading my Blog

Well at last I'm getting people reading my journal!
I have just e-mailed my sister with my views and thoughts on her, in light of what people are saying and what respect I have got left for Liam, what I wrote to Melanie will stay off this Blog.

Liam, I am sorry for calling you a twat, but everything else I have said I do not regret. You really did piss me off kid.

Sarah-Jean, I never even thought it was you in the first place, certain other people we know yes, but not you.
Email me sometime and we can chat.

To the many people who have posted on my Blog under the name of Anonymous, are you coward enough not to reveal who you really are?
I have got a pretty good idea who most of you are, so why not be adult about it and reveal your names.
Am I right in saying that some of you are my former associates in GHUK? Is that you James?
If it is, wether your comments were good or bad I don't understand as I have had no contact with you in over a year.
If it is you, then it is quite sad to see you all bitter like this.
What was once a semi-good friendship has now turned into this!
Well at least you are still thinking about me when I don’t even give you a second glance, dude I’ve moved on now, get over it.

Now on to what has been said.

“Anonymous said...
I'm sure a lot of people have helped him over the years, doesn't mean you can come here and complain about his own personal thoughts. If you don't like what he reads, it's quite simple.
If you disagree about it that much why don't you two be the "bigger" person/people and ignore what he's typing rather then coming and making snarky comments at him.”

Ok…thank you, you are quite right. I was ignoring all these comments up until my nephew mentioned my late parents and certain people started getting a bit too personal.
“Anonymous said...
Yes I do have a name, and no it's not Jason or Candy.
I understand and commend you wanting to stick up for your Mum, I just don't see the point in doing it here. He's got complete freedom of speech and if, as you say, he's always slagging her off, then why bother to read it?
And really, if your Mum has a problem with this, she should say so herself rather then sending her 12 year old child to do it.
I guess I just don't understand what causing chaos on this website is going to achieve...”

It is quite funny that so far up until the last post, I had not slagged off my sister.
I agree it is out of order for Melanie to send Liam here to make comments about me, he is only a child, not a weapon to be used against me.
And as for all the chaos, I don’t know why people are doing it either.
“Anonymous said...
If jason has complete freedom to write what he likes then why do you think the people he wites about should keep their views to themselves? does that freedom not apply to them? I've read this blog and noticed jay was only too happy to except money from his sister to get his things out of storage.....maybe he should have had the guts to tell her what he thought of her before he did that, but then that sums the guy up. totally selfish and self obsessed!”

You are right, they do have freedom to write what they like, but do they have the right to attack me? Have I in fact attacked them? No I have not.
And as for the money, I was going to pay my sister back until I got my stuff back from storage but going through all the old photo's and diaries, all my old feelings that I did once have towards her, came back to me, but I’m sure you would not understand that.
Totally selfish and self obsessed? I take it that you know me then?
For starters, the only selfish thing I have ever done was to move away from all my friends and my old life for the one person I truly love, and as for being self obsessed?
Yeah right, considering I have always thought about others before myself.
“Anonymous said...
mmmmm super hero rogue with a dash of jedi eh? who would believe such a powerful man would need a crisis loan from the dss to feed himself? What would your superhero name be? how about captain bullshit? or Dr useless? obi wasteofspace?
here's a thought....why not use the old jedi mind-trick next time you go to sign on....should make things a whole lot easier for you! Lmao”

hahaha…cool idea on the superhero name’s there, Might just use them for a story if that’s all right with you.
As for the crisis loan, I needed a small amount of money to buy food as I am diabetic and the DSS screwed up the day I was going to receive my money.
And if you read that part of my blog entry you would realise I was talking about my own personal moral compass.
“Anonymous said...
Don't know who u are but leave this guy alone....he's clearly got mental health issues and provided he's doing no harm just let him live in his fantasy world...he's to be pityed not have the micky taken”

Gee thanks, but please don’t help me.
“Anonymous said...
your such a knob jockey jason, i think prehaps it is better your mother and father have passed on to spare them from seeing the useless pathetic human being you have become. you have achieved nothing in your wasted life and never will, instead you choose to live in a fantasy world where you are goodlooking and muscular, forever on the verge of launching your comic and being a success, truth is jay your a waster and always have been....oh and i do know you looks like the powers let you down again lol
won't be reading your blog again though....actually feel sorry for you if this is all you have.”

Who the hell uses the word “knob jockey” idiot.
How dare you say that about my parents, who the fuck do you think you are saying stuff like that?
Achieved nothing? I’ve achieved loads, including my heart’s desire and that is to be happily married to a beautiful lady, living a quite life in the country and enjoying my time writing and relaxing.
You say that I live in a fantasy world where I think I’m good looking and muscular? Well in fact a lot of people find me good looking, but the only person’s view I am interested in is my wife’s.
And as for me being not muscular, well considering I have not seen you in over a year, and since I’ve moved here, I have lost a lot of weight and started going to a gym where I have toned my body into muscle, and considering that everybody has muscles, you really are an idiot.
And as for my comic book, I have written the first issue, and the artwork is half way done. So yes I will be a success thank you.
And if you want an issue signed, you just need to ask!
You feel sorry for me huh? You who are sitting in front of a computer screen waiting for a reply to your clever comments, where I’m getting on with my life.
In fact I feel sorry for you.
“A friend said...
In Jays defence, To the anon person who hasnt got the balls to name themselves! the comment about Jays parents is NOT ON.OUT OF ORDER. I do believe in free speech but when it comes to slanderous comments and speaking ill of the dead, that is so wrong.”

Thank you, it is out of order.
“Anonymous said...
thanks jason's friend but if you learn to read to a level where you understand context you will see that it wasn't jay's parents i was having a go at....and slander only refers to the spoken word....i think you should were thinking of libel...which doesn't apply to the deceased even if it had been directed at them...which it wasn't! nice to see his friends are as switched on as he is! Lol”

Ha, you are still here at your computer screen waiting for any replies to your comment, I knew you were sad.
“friend said...
Ok anon, time out, i didnt swallow a dictionary,or go to law school. Im just sensitive when it comes to People who cant defend themselves. Im sure, no matter what, his parents would love him all the same. Non of us are perfect anyway! Jays had a hard life and may need a kick up the backside sometimes, but,he has to find his way. Boy you must have had some fall out to pent your feelings in this way? take care anon lol”

At the time I was not going to reply to any of these comments until that one about my parents, so here I am defending my blog, and myself but thank you anyway.
I never said I was perfect, don’t want to be, that would be way to boring of a life. And I know that my parents are proud of me.
“Anonymous said...
not really fell out with him at all,but feel he's more than capable of defending himself if he had a defence. None of this would have happened if he had not chosen to slag off other people in his blog,then i would not have commented except i know what he's writing is just plain wrong, how he can slag off his only family beggers belief, and that is what i was talking about when i refered to his parents...i'm sure they would still love him but i know they would not be happy or except his version of events. Jason's blog is jason's blog, he can write whatever he likes, but when he writes about others he has to take responsibility for his words, and not expect them or those who know them to sit and take it. everyone is entitled to an opinion but lies are always lies and thats what jason has been telling. enough now....should be doing stuff in the real world! Lol”

So you have not fallen out of me but you still slag me off, such a nice person you really are.
Slag off other people? Who the heck have I slagged off on my blog?
How can I slag off my only family, quite easy in fact when you realise what kind of family I had left once my parents died.
Considering my parents were disappointed in my sister in how she lived her life, and they had no problems with me at all, what gives you the right to say something that is a total lie?
When have I been telling lies? Please let me know, as I am interested in your views on this.
“Anonymous said...
thanks for the comment azimouth4, but again you seem to have missed the point "maybe the people who are so ready to slag other people off should take a good look in the mirror" you said.....well jason was the one who started by slagging off his sister, so maybe rather than try to defend him you should be telling him to look in that mirror and keep his lies to himself. oh and just because your reality is over rated and an obvious disappointment to you doesn't mean everyone elses is.....i'm quite happy with mine. :)!”

That is for a later post.
Yet again people, what lies?
When have I lied?
So you love your reality where you sit in front of a computer thinking of clever things to say to people on their blogs, being such a cool person and being proud. TWAT.

ok now...I've not got enough time to reply to all your comments yet, but will do soon.
so feel free to add some more.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Response to Liam McCann

My darling nephew Liam,
I was not going to do this as I really did love you, but you think you are playing with the adults so I will treat you as one.
This is my Blog, where I get to post anything I like about anybody and anything.
That is my right as a blogger.
As for your comments about me slagging off your mum, all I posted was that I hold a lot of anger towards her on how she treated myself and my parents, and that I don't care if I see her again. That is not slagging off Liam, It's the truth.
You are only 12 years old Liam, you have no bloody idea what the real world is like or what your mum is really like, and as for your comments Liam, you are bloody clueless, would you like me to tell you the truth huh?
“Liam (the bloggers nephew) said...
well he shouldn,t be using his blog to to lie and slag off his own sister (my mum). So get your facts straight, if only you knew the real workshy sponging Jason. If he doesnt really believe the comment he wrote about his only living relative he should not have put it up for all to see. My mum has bent over backwards for him over the years.”
You said that I was work shy, well considering that I have only been out of work for just under three months, that does not apply to me.
Where I live there is a shortage of jobs, but that's what you get living in a small town, and considering that back in Milton Keynes, I worked pretty much all the time, apart from during and after for a short while when my parents passed away, I don't think that I am work shy.
And as for my living relative's, I have relative's all around the country and in other parts of the world, or did your mum never tell you that.
It is my decision not to have anything to do with them.
And your mum has never helped me, all she has ever done is help herself and not give a damn about anybody else especially her parents.
So Liam get your bloody facts straight.
“look you it was no longer a personal page when he came and slagged my mum off in public view. I am 12 and have every right to stick up for my mum for all the crap he has caused. Enough said his day will come when the the debt collectors in MK catch up him . Has anonymous got a name, Jason or Candy perhaps.the reason i am so annoyed about him slagging of my mum other than her always being kind and caring to him he puts it online so the world can see and people like you take his side by the way do you evan know my mum a.k.a the person who bassically brought jason up .”

yet again Liam, my Blog, My personal Views, Get used to it.
And what crap have I caused? Please Liam tell me.
And as for the debt collectors? Considering that I have sorted out my debts, and have no worries where that is concerned, you really are a little bit clueless there mate.
And Melanie being kind and caring, don't make me laugh.
Maybe she is to you Liam, and I really do hope she is as that is what mums are supposed to be like, but she has never been like that to me, all your mum has ever been towards me is a selfish bitch.
And for the record, your mum never brought me up, my parents did that, thank you very much.
“look jason your the funny one because you are the one who everybody hates your the one who lived with grandma until she passed on and made sure that grandma (an o.a.p) was at your beck and call you couldnt get of your fat arse (yes jason i said fat not muscule )to get a job that you try at and not get fired or a flat . you are pure evil i hate you . i cant belive what you said about my mum shes only ever been nice to you and this is how you repay her she was the 1 who brought you up ,DONT CALL MY MUM A BICTH AGAIN .”

Everybody hates me then do they? The only people who hate me are you and your mum, as for the other people who have made comments, well I will get to them later, and even if they hate me, who cares? Cause I don't.
Ok now, kid gloves are now off.
What gives you the bloody right to talk to me about my mum, your grandma like that.
I was the one who gave up my house I was sharing with a friend to move back home to look after mum, after my dad passed away, I was the one who made sure she was alright, that looked after her when she got ill, made sure that all the bills where paid, made sure that dad's funerial was sorted out when neither mum or I had any help from your kind and caring mum, your sweet and helpful mum who did fuck all to help her own mother, she did nothing.
Your mum did not even bring you to see your grandma before she died, and do you know why?
29th april 2001, few days before we buried my dad, I received a text from your wonderful mum saying that after her dad was buried she does not want to have anything to do with me or mum ever again,that we do not exist to her, and that mum will never ever see you again.
Your fantastic mum banned her own mother from seeing you, what kind of person would do that, my mum was heartbroken because of that.
My mum was never at my beck and call, I was the one who was looking after her.
If you cared so much for me and mum back then, why the hell did you not get in touch?
Did you ever ask your mum the reasons why or did you not give a rats arse.
And the reason why I was not working back then was that I was in grief over my dad, I had to be brave for mum, make sure that everything was alright.
You might not know this, but it was mum and I who looked after dad when he was ill, we were the ones who nursed him when he had his heart attack and stroke, we were the ones who were up all night cleaning up after him, making sure that he was breathing,
and carrying him to the toilet.
Where was your mum in all of this? She was just being a selfish bitch as usual.
I was the one who looked after mum until the night she died, do you know that she passed away in my arms? And before she died she said she always loved me, and that I was the one she always cared about. Do you know how that made me feel, seeing her life ebb away in my arms, knowing that I will never ever see again? And you dare have the right to say that you hate me?
“now to get you into reality you selfish bastard your not a jedi you reli dont look good in suits you dont have magic powers sorry sorry because ive just got to go back to
the jedi bit i mean what 31 year old man thinks hes a jedi GET TO REALITY.You say i will find out what my mum is reli like when im older well i already have shes the lovin caring person you will never even dream of being . you seen to find it amusing that people are reading about lil old you (lil dont make me laugh ) what you dont seem to realise is people are amazed at how much shit and twited lies a 31 yesr old man can say . i agree with the person who said that its a good job that grandma and granddad passed on because they would be so ashamed at all the lies you have told about people and all the money you have conned out of people and to see what a nasty peson you have become . these are my words what i think not my mums .”
how petty are you? What am I saying, your only a stupid little kid who is totally clueless.
If you had any bit of reasoning you would have read that was my morale compass on how I feel.
And for your information Liam, Jedi is a recognised Religion!
And have you ever seen me in a suit?, for christ's sake Liam, I used to manage a suit hire department you twat.
Magic powers? Erm yeh right, when have I ever said that?
Oh you must mean my personal belief in the occult and the paranormal, well in fact I am a trainee medium, and I am a great believer in the unknown, so is your wonderful mum.
She really is a witch...or is that a bitch, I can't really tell these days.
You mean to tell me that I will never be like your mum, THANK GOD!
Who the hell would want to be like her anyway, I am my own person, I am not a sheep like most people in this country, and I do have a lot of people who care about me and think I'm wonderful anyway, hey just ask my wife, she will tell you.
What I do find amusing Liam is that there is a lot of sad people who can't wait to see me take a fall and hang around reading my Blog waiting for a little kid to make comments.
I've got a pretty good idea who these people are and they are sad and pathetic, who live in a bubble where they expect to find out the worse info about me.
And to top it off, what is so funny is how a 12 year old kid will place his identity on this blog while other people are so cowardly that they will not identify themselves.
My parents were never ashamed of me, but they were ashamed of your mum, and I bet you they are looking down at you right now and wishing that you turned out a lot nicer.
So to summarise this blog entry Liam, you are clueless in regards to me and the relationship I did have with your mum. So stop being an idiot and go back to enjoying the summer hoildays like any other normal boy, and leave things you don't know about to the grown ups.

Your darling Uncle Jason.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Thank You

Hahahahaha Gee thanks for all the wonderful comments people are leaving for me on my blog.

Liam...You are so are 12 years old and you have no idea what kind of a person your mum really is, I really feel sorry for you, but when you get older you will find out the truth.

As for anyone else who has being making comments on my blog, cheers!
you don't know me or what I have done in my life, and this is my blog, so I do have the freedom of speech to write what I like, from "Jedi mindtricks" to slagging off my bitch of a sister, I can write what I like.
and so can you, so feel free to comment as much as you like, at the end of the day you are reading about wonderful lil me!
love ya all

Monday, July 17, 2006

It's a Beautiful Day!

Well the summer weather has finally hit us in Easingwold.
my god it's bloody hot, I'm reduced to wearing shorts and vest to go outside now!
well I do have beautiful legs, so I might as well get them out hahaha

it's been nearly four weeks since I emailed Debbie, and I still have got no reply back yet...maybe she is not interested...maybe she is busy...who knows...but if you are reading this Debs, I hope you email me soon.

I have finally got the costume design drawn for Jack Infinity(c) and have already started on a synopsis of the first issue of the comic book.
Candy and I have even got a name for our publishing company - Black Cat Infinity (c)
the comic book should be out summer of 2007, we might get some issues written and drawn before we publish the first issue.

I don't know if you are all watching Big Brother, but I'm hooked on the show.
I'm so hoping that Pete will win, but then again I'm also backing Aisleyne as well.
Could not believe that Nikki got voted out, it should have been Jayne, she is such a horrible troll!

In the newspaper the other day, their were reports that Beta Blockers will increase heart attacks and diabetes.
not that good considering that I was taking them, but I did stop them early on as I was suffering really badly from the side effects.

I went to the doctors last week as my diabetes is getting a bit worse now, I needed new medication to make it a bit better, I have been prescribed Metformin, which are working a treat, I'm feeling alot better now. Candy and I are getting it all under control now.
She really does look after me, I don't know where I would be without her in my life.

well more later.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Odds and Ends

It was Candy's birthday the other week, the day itself did not turn out as well as we had planned.
we pretty much spent most of the day in the job centre sorting out our benefits and making a joint claim as a couple, and then finding out that they were not going to pay my back dated money until the 14th June, so we had to get a crisis loan just to buy some food to last us until then.
that really sucked, can't wait until the 14th as we can really celebrate our birthdays together.
going to treat Candy to lots of shiny goodies!

Found out some interesting information about my home, Milton Keynes:
Milton Keynes (village) has had various name changes over the last 1000 years -
some of which are as follows.......

Mideltone, Middeltone was in the Domesday Book 1086

Middleton 1227

Middletone Kaynes - Hugh de Cahaignes held land in 1166 and Hugo de Cayenes
is mentioned in 1227 Milton Keynes 1422 - onwards

Very interesting considering that MK is supposed to be a "new town"

Milton Keynes is a very mysterious and strange city, full of magick and weird happenings. The place was built on Ley Lines, it was built for an unknown purpose.
I have seen alot of weird shit in that place and experienced alot of spooky stuff.

Found out that my uncle Terry died the other month, only met the man once when I was a teenager and he seemed very nice. he was a local preacher and teacher.
I really wished I got to know him alot better.

Facts About The Mage part 1

I used to work as a trainee florist which I really loved.

I would love to be a moderate succesful comicbook writer.

I used to administrate a paranormal website/message board called Para-United, My Username was Witchboy.

I have done things in my life that I am not proud of and regret as well.

One of my favourite fantasy creatures is the Goblin, Love those little buggers.

I have been surrounded by Magick and the Supernatural since I was born.

I really do see dead people,
I have the potential to be a very good medium with the right training.

I have channelled spirits before,
and have spoken to various otherworldly entities as well.

I am a huge sci-fi nut and love collecting comic books, I am a geek.

Love playing Dungeons and Dragons,
my favourite character of all time so far was my Orc Barbarian called Orlic,
he rocked!

I love wearing Suits and I look damn good in them,
and at the same time I look damn good in anything I wear.

I do miss my parents, I do wish that they had got to meet my Candy

I still have alot of anger centered towards my sister,
Melanie for how she treated me and my Mum.
I really don't care if I ever see her again.

I have seen things that I can never put in words.

I love watching Adam Sandler movies, he is so fucking funny.

When the movie Scream first came out at the cinema,
I watched it five times in a row in a single day as I loved that movie.

In a previous life, I drowned and that fear is still with me now.

My morale compass consists of the following:
I'm a great believer in Karma.
When I was younger I always wanted to be a superhero,
so I followed the superhero code of values that they have.
when I was a teenager I became a bit of a rogue
and I started to follow their point of view and did a
few illegal things and took risks.
so now I'm a superhero rogue with a dash of Jedi and a believer in Karma.
a very interesting combination!

I would love to know about my dad's past history
as he was a very mysterious person with more than one identity

I would love to know who my other siblings are and where they are now.

I will never in my life go back to Bow Brickhill in MK,
that place scares the shit out of me.

I was a huge Avengers comic book fan,
but the writer Brian Michael Bendis has spoilt the book now.

I'm proud that I can cook so bloody well now.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

One Big Adventure

As I write this blog entry,
I have started to think about how much things have changed in my life
and the lives of my close friends.
Seeing my friends last week made me think alot about
where I am in my life and where I could have been if I had not met Candy.
Candy has made a huge difference in my life;
I feel alot more alive than I have ever done.
Candy is my Best Friend, my Lover, my Rock, my Soulmate,
and more important my everything.
My love for her goes beyond words and feelings, it's beyond all that.
I love her so very much.
And on that soppy note -

Well I went down to Milton Keynes via Whitchurch last week.
The Journey down there was good, Candy is a wonderful driver,
and we travelled down to Whitchurch to pick up
Debbie who offered to help us move all my stuff.
It was great to see her after all this time;
I missed having Debs around, having our morning coffees and chats at work.
I was a bit nervous in seeing her as I have changed alot since she last saw me,
but things are good.
She was such a sweetheart; she even paid for the petrol for us.
I hope it's not going to be another 18 months until I see her again.

What I saw of Shropshire as we travelled down looks really good,
can't wait until we move there.

When we got to Milton Keynes, I instantly got a headache,
which I'm not surprised considering all the energies there and the Ley Lines.

Met up with Carl, which I was so glad about,
miss that beardy weirdy!
He has changed so much, lost a hell of alot of weight,
more than me the bastard hahaha
Nah it really was good to see him,
wished I had alot more time with him to chat about stuff,
but maybe another time soon hopefully.

We all went over to StarBucks to see Rebecca,
which was really good; her reaction to seeing me was fantastic!
She's doing well for herself now, which I'm really pleased;
I've missed chatting to her.

Andy came over to see us all whilst we were at StarBucks,
which was great to see the ol'geezer
But he was a bit quiet, I hope he was alright.
Andy and Debbie spent most of the time chatting together;
I did kinda feel awkward around them both.
I hope everything was ok.

Candy, Carl and I buggered off to go to the market
and to the Lego store to do some shopping,
picked up some playstation games
and some Lego for Candy and I to play with.

Went over to Big Yellow after saying goodbye
to everyone so I could pick up my stuff from storage.
I was expecting some trouble from them,
but they were nice as anything.
Paid off the remaining £50 that I owed them
and then started loading the van up with all my junk.

i love u jason! (Candy just wrote this as I went to pick up the post!)

Once we loaded the van up we travelled back to Whitchurch
to drop off Debbie and then made our way back home to Easingwold,
via Tesco's 24hr store to pick up supplies.

Finally got home at 2.30 am.
We started our journey on Thursday at 8am and finished on Friday at 2.30 am
We were tired, as anything but we could not sleep,
as we had to return the van at 8am.
So we unloaded everything and had something to eat and set off back to York.
Both of us really did not feel very well over the weekend,

but we are alright now.

We are looking forward to next week as it is Candy's birthday,
and I will celebrate mine as well at the same time as I did not on the 3rd,
as we had no money.

So now that we have all my stuff back,
we can look forward to sorting out this house now,
getting it sold, and moving far away from Easingwold
as we can to start our new lives!

The next chapter in our lives will be great and one big adventure!

Friday, May 12, 2006

The (Mis)Adventures of Candy and I

Well I had a very good birthday, Candy and I stayed at home and chilled,
watched TV, Had a fantastic meal of spicy prawns, rice, and chicken satay which was lush.
And we both played a Dungeons & Dragons game that Candy designed.
I got to play my Elven Necromancer - Aerlyn which was cool.
I'm in the middle of designing an adventure for Candy's character to play now.
Got lovely messages from Debbie, Andy, and Rebecca, and Candy's card this year was brilliant.She really is wonderful at making cards.

Well on to other news now...

Looks like I will be going down to Milton Keynes next Thursday 18th to pick up my stuff from Big Yellow storage.
My sister Melanie paid them £100. And I need to pay them another £50.
And then I can pick up all my belongings at last!
If everything works out well today and tomorrow as we are selling some stuff to get enough money to hire the van and get the petrol then we will be fine.So fingers crossed!

We will be travelling down via Whitchurch to pick up Debbie who has agreed to help us.
I tell ya I can't wait to see her, one of my closest best friends who I have not seen in nearly 18 months, heck I've not seen anybody in nearly 18 months!
Gawd I miss everyone!
That's the problem with being stuck out here in the middle of nowhere and having no means of transport.

Looks like that the both of us wont be working for Maid2Clean anymore,
We cleaned this lady's house last Tuesday, took the both of us nearly 5 hours to scrub clean the place and to Iron the clothes, Change the beds, etc.
We worked our collective socks off and she did not complain, she even said that we would be on a couple of week's trial basis.
We thought great, excellent money; enough cash to get ourselves sorted, etc, etc.
But last Thursday morning, Stewart who owns the York section of Maid2Clean and got us the job at this woman's house phoned us and said that the client was not happy with our work and she is demanding her money back!
As you can tell Candy and I was pissed off about it as we know we did not do anything wrong.
When we left her house it was spotless the only thing we did not get to finish off was the Ironing, and that's only because we are pretty crap at it.
Anyway, Stewart said that he would check this woman's house out and get in touch with us asap with what she said and so on and so forth.
We waited...and waited...hours turned into days...emailed him twice...texted him twice...then we get a text back telling us that he will talk to us that night...he did not...texted him again...nothing.
And now it has been over a week since the phone call and I'm going to email him again and email the head office to get some answers and hopefully him into trouble.

For Christ's sake, we don't ask for much Candy and I, all we frelling want is a bloody job.
Seriously can't wait to move away from this town, beautiful countryside but the people and the jobs are SHIT!
They are a bunch of inbred country oinks who are so stuck in their ways that they have maypoles up their arse.It really is a local town for local people...and those local people are all related to each other in a most horrible way...cue Deliverence music...
They even drive their tractors to the pub! we even have a village idiot...well there's alot of them about, but one of them is certainly the major idiot.
Gawd I hate this place...get me out of here! rant over.


will update more next week...


Thursday, April 27, 2006

New Start ?

Could this be the new start for Candy and I that we really want?
Got ourselves a cleaning job which the money is not that bad,
The house is getting sorted and possibly we will get it sold in six months or less,
and I might be getting my stuff from storage at last....hopefully

will keep you all updated soon.

On a better note, it's my best friend Debbie's Birthday on Monday
Happy Birthday Mate xoxoxoxoxo

and It's my birthday on Wednesday....31 years old...yikes!

Here is one of my favourite quotes from Robin of Sherwood -

There are so many things I want to say to you but time's caught me up
and now I'll never say them -
only that I've loved you from the moment I saw you and every moment since.


Saturday, March 25, 2006

Doctors and Mud!

It has been raining really badly the last few days that the
Water levels on the marsh land behind our house has risen and is
Now full of frogs and ducks, it really is beautiful.
Bought a pair of wellies the other day and Candy and I have been rambling round the farmlands around our area,
Candy even dragged me on too the muddy fields and jumping into the puddles.
It was fun!

Got my blood test results from the doctor yesterday,
I do have high blood pressure and
I have to take Beta-Blockers to reduce The levels.
I've got my diabetes pretty much under control now,
Don't really have any fizzy pop or chocolate unless if it is a treat
Which is rare now.
I've lost alot of weight and started to tone
Most of my body fat into muscle now.
So I am getting there.

Also had the results from my retinal screening
I had a few weeks ago to do with my diabetes.
They have found an anomaly behind my left eye
Which needs checking again in six months time
Very frustrating as I don't really want to Lose my eyesight,
kinda need it really!

Candy and I applied for a job at PageBet,
The new bookies that has just opened up in town.
Hopefully we will get the jobs, as we are getting desperate now.

Bumped into Al the other day, a gentleman who used to be the
Manager at Travellingman, my local comic shop.
He's doing well for himself now as a writer and he gave me
Some ideas and advice about my comic book.
I'm going to write it and Candy will illustrate it.
Got two ideas for a book already written out,
so hopefullyMaybe next year Black Cat Press will start trading.

Rants and Sadness

It has been three years since the war in Iraq started,
Over 100 British troops have died, Over 2,000 American troops have died,
And over 100,000 Iraq people have died.And for what?
War on terrorism? oil?, or is it Bush wanting to rule the world?.
I know Saddam had to be stopped, but we should have just gone in there,
got rid of him and then leave again.I don't even think Osama is even alive now, there has been no word from him in ages.
Like many others out there, I don't like or trust George Bush, to me he is the tyrant that should be stopped,
he has committed crimes against humanity with this war,
and he must be stopped before he rules the world or destroys it.

With Great Sadness:
Andreas Katsulas who played G'Kar of Babylon 5 fame
died on 13th February of lung cancer he will be greatly missed.
G'Kar was one of best characters of Babylon 5 and
one of my favourite Sci-Fi characters.

Friday, March 17, 2006

You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought, wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe.

Favourite Things -
Food: Indian, Chinese, Steak.
Drink: Pepsi Max, Stella, Cherry Coke.
Restraunts: Chillies, Golden Curry, Jumbo.
ComicBook: Exiles, Authority, Ultimates.
Superhero: Hawkeye.
Supervillian: Hyperion.
Colours: Black, Purple, Blue.
Actor: Kurt Russell.
Actress: Kirsten Dunst.
TV Show: Farscape.
Musical Performer: Freddy Mercury.
Song: Don't You (Forget About Me).
Music: Queen, Robbie Williams, Kylie.
Book: Any Anita Blake Books.
Author:Laurell K.Hamailton.
Magazine:SFX Magazine.
Website: Wizards of the Coast.
Movie: Empire Records.
Monster: Werewolf, Goblins.
Computer Game: Hogs of War.
Element: Earth
Number: 3
Theme Songs: Who Wants To Live Forever (Queen)Kiss From A Rose (Seal)
Bring Me To Life & My Immortal (Evanescence)

Top Ten Comic Books
1. Exiles
2. Young Avengers
3. Authority
4. Ultimates
5. Freshmen
6. X-Men
7. Thunderbolts
8. Nodwick
9. Invincible
10. Avengers

Top Ten Sci-Fi Shows
1. Firefly
2. Dr.Who
3. Babylon 5
4. Star Trek: Deep Space 9
5. Angel
6. Lost
7. Stargate: Atlantis
8. Stargate: SG1
9. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
10. Supernatural

Top Ten TV Shows
1. 24
2. Shameless
3. Alias
4. EastEnders
5. Emmerdale
6. Killer Instinct
7. Life on Mars
8. Hustle
9. My Name is Earl
10. The Bill

Top Ten Movies
1. Empire Records
2. The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
3. Finding Nemo
4. The Incredibles
5. Princess Bride
6. Serenity
7. Pirates of the Caribbean
8. Tremors
9. All the Kevin Smith Films
10. Spiderman 2

My Bio

Real Name: Jason Gerard Charles Louis

Occupation: Rogue, Comic Book Geek, Writer, Mage,
Former Ghosthunter, Former Florist

Legal status: Citizen of Great Britain

Former aliases: Big Guy, Lewie, Judge of Destiny, Fool, Jay

Identity: Public

Date of Birth: 3rd May 1975

Place of Birth: Hull, Yorkshire

Marital Status: Married

Known relatives: Candy (wife), Melanie (sister), Martin (brother-in-law),
Liam (nephew), Margaret (mother,desceased), Charles (father, desceased),
Terry (uncle), Margaret (aunt), Mishka (Cat,desceased),
Vicki (Honary sister), Heena (honary sister), Carl (honary brother).

Group affiliation: None, Former Member of GhostHunters UK

Base of operations: Easingwold, York, Formerly Milton Keynes

First appearance: Hull Hospital in 1975

Height: 6ft1 Weight: 19st

Eyes: Chocolate Brown Hair: Long Black (with grey tones)

Powers: Magick, Telepath, Empath, Healing, Medium ability, Danger Sense,
Astral Travel, Luck.

Weapons: Handaxe, Katana Sword.

Special equipment: Dice of Many Wonders, Pen of Writing, Glasses of Farseeing, Wedding Ring of Binding, Backpack of Holding, Mobile Phone of Communicating.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Who Am I?

Welcome to my life on the net, My brand new blog for the new age.
I have been blogging now since 2001, and have had three separate blogs since then -
Eternal Fool, Eternal Midnight, and The Last Knight.

I needed to start a new blog as my life has changed alot over the last year and a bit,
I have left my friends, my life, my work, and my possessions
To move up north to spend my life with the lady who I love, my wife Candy.

So who am I?

My Full name is Jason Gerard Charles Louis.
Here are the meanings of my name -
JASON: Healer
GERARD: Brave with a spear
LOUIS: Famous in battle; renowned warrior.

I was born on the 3rd May 1975 at Hull General Hospital, North Yorkshire.
I spent the first year of my life in Northern Ireland, as my father was stationed there.
He was in the Royal Air Force; he left the service soon after I was born
As Mum wanted to go back home to England.
My second year of my life was spent living in Stanmore.
In 1977 we moved to a brand new town that was being built in the South of England,
Because Dad was offered a job with the police force.
So for 27 years we lived in Milton Keynes.
I lived, worked, bled, and lost/gained so much living in MK.
I was the last member of my family to leave there,
As my sister Melanie moved to Leeds, and both of my parents passed away.
Recently I moved up north to Easingwold to live with my Candy.

My parents were -
Charles my late father whom was born in Singapore,
so that makes me half British/half Malaysian.
Margaret my late mother whom was born in Withernsea
Both of my parents like any other had their good and bad points.
I do miss them both.

My sister is named Melanie, we have had our ups and downs as siblings do,
and she is married to her second husband Martin who seems like a nice gentleman.
Her son and my nephew Liam is the best, I miss seeing him.

My darling wife is called Candy;
I met her through a penpal advert I placed in a sci-fi magazine,
We spent months texting and writing letters to each other
and then moved on to chatting for hours on the phone.
I fell in love with her from the start; she is my everything, my world and my soulmate.

I'm 6ft1 tall (6ft4 in my boots) and weigh 19 stone which is mostly muscle (I'm naturally strong)
I have long black hair and chocolate brown eyes;
I have to wear glasses as I am near sighted.

My starsign is Taurus and I really do take after that sign.
I'm a very spiritual person, I studied witchcraft for a long time as
I felt more closer to that faith then I did with the one
I was brought up in which was roman catholic.
From an earlier age, I have felt wrong worshipping the Christian "God" so,
Due to the fact that I have been practising Magick on and off from a very young age,
I have been chosen to have this as my faith.
I have not practiced any rituals since I moved up here to Easingwold,
this place is very dry in occult forces but Magick is in my nature and
I will overcome this handicap.
I have always been interested in magick ever since my first spell and
my first vision/visit at the library in the "CITY".
The "CITY" is a very mysterious place where you can visit via astral or through dreams.
It is very hard to explain, but my best friend Carl knows more then I do anyway.

I'm also a former paranormal Investigator with a ghosthunting group called GhostHuntersUK
In the group I was receiving training to become a spiritual medium which I was getting good at, so good in fact, that last week I channeled a female spirit for 20 mins round a neighbours house.
I quit the group due to personal problems with other members of the group, but I don't really have any regrets about that.

I have had a few online names before: Phantom, WitchBoy, Midnight, and MoonRaven.
My favourite is WitchBoy, which I have used since 2001
My normal nicknames include - Judge of Destiny, Jay, Lewie, Penfold and Big Guy.

My close best friends include:
Debbie who is a very sweet lady and my ex boss,
Heena who is a total sweetheart gangsta chick,
Carl who I have known for over ten years and then some!,
Andy who is such a kind man,
Rebecca who is the biggest Smallville fan ever,
And Vicki who is my second sister for life.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


Welcome to the first edition of Dawn Mage