Monday, July 24, 2006

Thank You

Hahahahaha Gee thanks for all the wonderful comments people are leaving for me on my blog.

Liam...You are so are 12 years old and you have no idea what kind of a person your mum really is, I really feel sorry for you, but when you get older you will find out the truth.

As for anyone else who has being making comments on my blog, cheers!
you don't know me or what I have done in my life, and this is my blog, so I do have the freedom of speech to write what I like, from "Jedi mindtricks" to slagging off my bitch of a sister, I can write what I like.
and so can you, so feel free to comment as much as you like, at the end of the day you are reading about wonderful lil me!
love ya all

Monday, July 17, 2006

It's a Beautiful Day!

Well the summer weather has finally hit us in Easingwold.
my god it's bloody hot, I'm reduced to wearing shorts and vest to go outside now!
well I do have beautiful legs, so I might as well get them out hahaha

it's been nearly four weeks since I emailed Debbie, and I still have got no reply back yet...maybe she is not interested...maybe she is busy...who knows...but if you are reading this Debs, I hope you email me soon.

I have finally got the costume design drawn for Jack Infinity(c) and have already started on a synopsis of the first issue of the comic book.
Candy and I have even got a name for our publishing company - Black Cat Infinity (c)
the comic book should be out summer of 2007, we might get some issues written and drawn before we publish the first issue.

I don't know if you are all watching Big Brother, but I'm hooked on the show.
I'm so hoping that Pete will win, but then again I'm also backing Aisleyne as well.
Could not believe that Nikki got voted out, it should have been Jayne, she is such a horrible troll!

In the newspaper the other day, their were reports that Beta Blockers will increase heart attacks and diabetes.
not that good considering that I was taking them, but I did stop them early on as I was suffering really badly from the side effects.

I went to the doctors last week as my diabetes is getting a bit worse now, I needed new medication to make it a bit better, I have been prescribed Metformin, which are working a treat, I'm feeling alot better now. Candy and I are getting it all under control now.
She really does look after me, I don't know where I would be without her in my life.

well more later.